Sunday, February 1, 2015

February 1, 2015


Is today, Super Bowl Sunday, our National Liturgy, Day?

What would be the indicators – the markers
to make today – this Sunday – such a day?

Get-togethers, Cheers, Talking about, Awareness,
A uniter more than a divider, celebrations?

Four Answers: I don’t know. Yes? No? You’re kidding?

How about July 4th? How about October 12th?
How about the End of the Civil War: April 9, 1865?

Prayers? No. Speeches? No. Parades? Well, just one.

Is today, Super Bowl Sunday, our National Liturgy, Day?

Start a pool and make a bet on the best answer.

Best answer: I go to church and I hate to hear anything about the Super Bowl from the altar or the pulpit.

Best answer: at least we’re not celebrating a war.

Best answer: the TV ads are the real game.

Best answer: you have to watch the game
to find out if it’s over inflated or under inflated.

© Andy Costello, Reflections by the Bay, 2015

1 comment:

Mary joan said...

Good play on words .