Tuesday, June 18, 2013

MATTHEW 5: 43-48 


The title of my homily for this 11th Tuesday in Ordinary time is, “A New Take on Matthew 5: 43-48.

As you know we’re going through the Sermon on the Mountain once more this year around this time. The first reading switches every other year, but the Gospels are the same.

In this section of the Sermon,  Jesus deals with how we deal with those folks we don’t like - those folks we get angry or agita with - those folks we feel we want to get even with - or what have you.


Yesterday Jesus urged no retaliation - like the old law of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.  Rather he urges that we go to the other extreme and stop the wars and the in fighting - by turning the other cheek - going the extra mile. End the law suits. Today Jesus tells us to love our enemies - and those people we hate.

The obvious reason is because that’s how we can change things. That’s how we stop family and neighbor fights - by swallowing that venom inside our mouths - inside our cheeks.

Then last night - as I read today’s gospel -  I got a new take on Mathew 5: 43-48.

It’s not profound - but it hit me in a way I hadn’t thought about before - and this is over the 48th time I’ve gone through this reading at least.

What hit me was that Jesus ends today’s gospel by talking about how God the Father is. God is perfect. Here Jesus is asking us to love our enemies and the one’s we hate to be with or those who hate us. What about God loving his enemies and those who hate him?

What about all those people who die - and most of their lives they ignored God, were indifferent to him, cursed God, didn’t want to know God - or lived a life of me, me, me, and then they die and God welcomes them with great love and shocks them with his love and his embrace.

Now that’s a different take on a basic religious attitude and thought.

Now one can get texts like Matthew 25 when we end up at the end in heaven or hell as a sheep or a goat depending on whether we helped our brother and our sister or Luke 16 when poor Lazarus ends up in bosom of Abraham and the rich man lands in the bosom of fire.

There are those texts. There is also evidence at times that God might be different than what we expect. There is evidence that some of those who have been good - who kept all the rules - are going to be furious when they spot this forgiving God.  Hey not fair. Some are going to be like the older brother of the prodigal son. Some are like those who worked all day long in the vineyard  - and they only get as much as those who jumped into the vineyard the last hour. Not fair. Not fair. Not fair. Some are going to be like the Good Thief stealing heaven at the last hour - and others aren’t going to like it.

But the Father - as Jesus puts it is perfect - so maybe that’s a glimpse of what perfection is - and Jesus wants us to have that  love and embrace for all - even the ones we consider God and life’s enemies.


Now this is my new wondering. Obviously, I need to pray and think more about it.  

Last night as I read this gospel story - that’s what hit me. What hits you?  I would think some of us are we here because we feel, we rather not take chances. We rather go through life and end up life with the spirit of love. Then our children and others will catch it in us - and want to know where we got this spirit and they might want some.  I don’t know, but it’s worth pondering and praying over.

Of course A is better than B - but maybe we need to learn both and deal with both. Amen.

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