Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Yellow: every sunrise
screams “Hello! It’s a new day."
But let’s be honest now,
yellow is not the first color
the kid picks when opening
a box of crayons or Magic Markers.
First choice: it’s red - bright red.
Or it’s blue - bright blue.
Okay, but what about Bananas -
neat yellow bananas in a bunch?
Answer: They are so common place  -
the choice of monkeys and folks still in
pajamas and bathrobes eating breakfast.  
So too butter, it’s there. It’s on the table,
but it doesn’t get noticed unless there’s
fresh corn on the cob. Ooops!
Well, that’s an exception
when it comes to things yellow.
So, in general, yellow is an unnoticed fellow.
Ooops! Another ooops: unless yellow
is the color of sashaying hair,
and she’s young, slim, a blond floating
into the room. Then ….

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2012

Photograph on top: Crossing the Road by David Librach

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