Friday, April 13, 2012


He was thinking ….
That was her complaint about him.
He was thinking.
He was a quiet guy.
When she’d ask, “A penny for
your thoughts?” he’d just say,
“Oh just thinking. Just thinking.”
That is what bothered her and she
let him know this on a regular basis.
So he thought about this constant
complaint of her’s, He tried to tell
her what was going on at work
- the power struggles going on there -
but she’d jump in and cut him off
and tell him what he ought to do.
Then he’d think about that and
say to himself, “It ain’t worth it.
It ain’t worth it. She really doesn’t
want to think with me.”
Then he’d think about
why he tended to repeat,
repeat, what he was thinking.
Then he laughed. She gets
mad with my doing too much
thinking?  I even get mad
at too much thinking.
Think about that.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2012

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