Monday, April 9, 2012


April  9,  2012

Quote for Today

"One dog barks at something, and a hundred bark at the sound."

Chinese Proverb


Some questions:

What does this proverb mean to you?

What are you barking about?

What are you repeating that is not you?

What's your most important bark?

Is your bark worse than your bite?

Did you ever find yourself barking up the wrong tree? What was that story? Have you ever told anyone about that one?

If you asked the 3 key people in your life - what they thought you were off on - what your bark is about - what would they tell you?

Have you ever been an incredibly annoying barking dog? What was that about?

Who listens to you - to your barks?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wag more, bark less.