Thursday, April 14, 2011




The title of my reflection for this 5th Thursday in Lent is, “Rock Throwing: What Is My Weapon of Choice?”

At the end of today’s gospel we have the statement, “At that they picked up rocks to throw at Jesus, but he hid himself and slipped out of the temple precincts.” [Cf. John 8:59]

If they killed Jesus that day, would we be wearing rocks around our necks instead of a cross?

Have we ever been so angry we wanted to throw a rock at someone to shut them up?


If we read the scriptures we find various instances of rock throwing as well as killing people with rocks. How did Cain kill Abel – the first murder mentioned in the Bible? [Genesis 4:8] David killed Goliath with a stone – a smooth one. [1 Samuel 17:40-51] Okay, he also used Goliath’s sword as well.

Years later – when David is king – he was to experience someone – a man name Shimei – cursing and throwing stones at him. [Cf. 2 Samuel 16:5, 13.]

We know from the scriptures one form of capital punishment was stoning a person to death. Blasphemers, fortune tellers, adulterers, the mistake makers, were stoned.

We heard it on Monday with the story of the woman caught in adultery and we’ll hear it at the death of Stephen – the first Christian martyr. [Cf: John 8:1-11; Acts 7:55-60]


When I meet with couples who are planning to be married, I sometimes ask the question: “What is your weapon of choice?”

Hearing that they look at me with a puzzled face.

I then say, “Is your weapon silence? Is it words to the other’s face? Is it words behind their back? Is it passive aggression?”

What is your weapon of choice?

What do we do when we’re frustrated? How do we manage our anger? What bugs us? What do we get impatient with every time? What are our buttons? How do we solve our relationship issues?

In some parts of the world, they still want to stone people to death?

In other parts of the world, there is divorce and starting again in a new relationship.

In many parts of the world, it’s get all the weapons you can get?

As Bob Dylan’s 1963 song put it, “The answer my friend is blowing in the wind. The answer is blowing in the wind.” [1]


The message of Jesus that still blows in the wind is “Peace” – is to put down the rocks and walk away. [Cf. John 20: 19-23; John 8:7.]

I would assume that Christianity also teaches us to come back and sit down and talk and eat with each other. Communion – holy communion – with each other is Jesus’ dream. Use the rocks to build bridges as well as centers for community and community with each other.


What is our weapon of choice?

Regarding rock throwing I remember seeing a sculpture in Time magazine many years ago. It was by a Soviet Sculptor. I found it through Google - and I also found a newer take off on the same theme by a Chinese Artist.

So answers to my question, "What is my weapon of choice?" could now not only be rock throwing but sending e-mails, texting and twittering.

On top I put two pictures of works of art. The black and white sculpture is by Ivan Shadr – the pseudonym of Ivan Dmitriyevich Ivanov [1887-1941]. His sculpture is entitled: “Stone As A Weapon of the Protelariat” – 1927. The second picture is by Zhou Yongyang who does Performance Art Work. The red print reads, “Keyboard – Weapon of the Weak in China, 2007.”

What is our weapon of choice?

[1] "Blowin' In The Wind" - Bob Dylan, 1963

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