Saturday, April 16, 2011



For a homily on this 5th Saturday of Lent I have two questions.


The first question would be from today's gospel, “Do you think he will be coming up for the feast this year?”

With people trying to kill Jesus, some wondered if Jesus would have the nerve to make the pilgrimage for the Passover feast this year?

What about us? Are we planning to make the feast of Passover this year? “Do I see as part of the feast this year or is all this old stuff?”

When I look at how I spent Lent this year – I have to be honest with my answer to that same question. At times Lent was so, so. At times I was okay - regarding prayer and fasting. I look at myself and look at Lent and I’d say that I’d give myself a 2 out of a possible 10 on how I made this Lent.

Tomorrow is Palm Sunday. This coming week is Holy Week. It's a last chance dance to make a good Lent. Am I planning to make Holy Week holy? Is there in inner voice in me that asks, “Do you think he is going to make the feast this year?” Will I find some hiding places and times and mediatate deeply on the Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Empty Satuday and Easter Sunday?


My second question is the question that we have been hearing all through this section of John. What do you think of Christ? Who is he to me? What is my Christology?

I have been saying that the Gospel of John has a high Christology.

Ray Brown in his book, The Community of the Beloved Disciple, points out that there were 5 levels of Christology in John. Which is ours?

Do I see Jesus as "Rabbi" or "Good Teacher" or have I moved towards being with Jesus as "The Anointed One" or "Christos"? Do I hear John telling us that Jesus is the Word from before - who became flesh and lived amongst us?

People who are fundamentalists might have a problem with the Gospel of John. At times it doesn’t seem to coincide with the synoptics. There are 3 or 4 passover feasts in John. And stuff is moved all around.

The scripture people that help me the most are not fundamentalists.

Those who help me are those who help me see Jesus as the community of the beloved disciple saw him. They help me see Jesus as the post-resurrection Christians were asking questions about.

And those questions can be asked right now of me: Do I see Jesus as the one who will lead me through the passover. Is he the sanctuary? Is he the covenant? Do I see him as the one who will bring all people together? Do I see him as the one who died for all so that all can become one? Do I see him as the desire of the nations? Etc.


In this homily I'm asking two questions for today: 1) Are you going up for the feast this year? In other words, "What are my plans for Holy Week?" 2) What do you think of Christ? Who is he to you and for you?

1 comment:

Patrick said...

Going to the Feast? Sure I'm going to the feast. Food, drink, old friends. But who is this Jesus guy? Destroy the temple and build it back up again in three days. What's that all about! Oh well, see you at the feast.