Thursday, April 3, 2008


A sister,
a dreamer,
one who like Joseph
has many dreams,
many sisters and brothers,
a sister,
one who has discovered through pain
that the plot is always copious redemption,
especially when there has been betrayal and lies,
a sister,
one who has a forever kind of forgiveness,
a sister,
one who wants to make sure
everyone in the family
has at least one coat of many colors,
a sister,
one who is a bread winner,
so that everyone has their daily bread,
a sister
one whose heart is filled with charity,
beating with haste like Mary’s heart,
trying to bring forth new beginnings,
helping people move through a Genesis,
always unfolding, always being created,
through Exodus, towards Revelation,
the Revelation of the Son,
Jesus, the Redeeming One.

© Andy Costello,
Reflections, 2008

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