Sunday, August 9, 2015

August 8, 2015


Getting ready - those kicks while
in the womb - stretching those legs -
wanting out of there - out - up and away -
making our way in life - first crawling -
catching our breath - oooh the pain - oooh
the hurt of trying to stand tall - but falling -
till finally we accept reality - we’re human -
- we need help - then we want to get to
school - middle school - high school -
college graduate  - get a job - get married -
have kids - wanting to be there when they
take their first step - to see them grow,
as we go through the steps of life - retire -
enjoy - then at some point  being unable
to let go of the car keys - that’s a tough step -
then to take those last steps into a nursing
home  - with a cane - with a nurse’s aide -
not wanting a wheel chair - not wanting to die -
then the decision to make the ultimate step -
the big act faith - to crawl - it would be nice if
it was a leap  - but no - to crawl to the Father’s
feet - with the hope of rising to the Eternal Dance. Amen.

© Andy Costello, Reflections, 2015

Friday, August 7, 2015



The title of my homily for this 18th Friday in Ordinary Time is, “Did You Ever Hear the Voice of God?”


Last night on the second and main Republican “Debate”,  Megan Kelly read a question from someone who sent a face book question that went something like this: “Does anyone of you ever hear the voice of God?”

That was the text question someone sent in. I heard it and wondered about the context.  Question is: we don’t know why and what the questioner had in mind.  Was he trying to trap, trick or whatever each candidate?

It hit me: “This is a loaded question!”

I immediately thought of the old saying. “If we talk to God, it’s called prayer. If we hear God talking to us, it’s called mental sickness.”

Translation: sometimes people with mental problems hear God telling them to do things - like shoot people or kill themselves.

Don’t we hear that in some of the horror stories of suicide bombings or terrorism around our world?


I watched the 2 hour debates last night - and that was one of the main things that stood out.

So I listened carefully to how the candidates answered that question.

Ted Cruz or someone said he reads the Bible every morning - and that gives him  the word of God for that day.

Nobody fell into the possible trap - of saying “Yes I hear God speaking to me every day.” That would appear in columns and if you’re against someone that’s a hand grenade of a statement.

If I remember correctly, others said they pray. Others said the general statement that God is calling all people to goodness and love, etc.

Then I read today’s readings before going to bed and there were the statements about hearing God speaking.

For example: “Did a people ever hear the voice of God speaking from the midst of fire, as you did, and live?”

For example: “Out of the heavens he let you hear his voice to discipline you; on earth he let you see his great fire, and you heard him speaking out of the fire.”

This last statement touches on some people’s response to thunder and lightning, hurricane and tornado - earth quakes, volcanoes, forest fires - as God’s way of showing his anger. Didn’t someone say that Hurricane Katrina was God saying, “I don’t like what is happening in New Orleans.”

If one takes that approach, then we might say that some place like Dushore, Pennsylvania or Leipsic, Ohio has everything going right because nothing bad has happened there lately.

In today’s first reading we also have the message that God speaks to us in the experiences of our lives.

Many people bring to prayer their life experiences - especially the experience of looking back. Based on all that has happened to me, I see how blessed I am. Thank you God.   But sometimes this takes time to see a whole pattern in one’s life.

But then, does that mean God zaps people in unhappy marriages or disastrous experiences with their kids or what have you?

Todays’ first reading then moves us into God’s commandments as ways of knowing what God wants.


At times I like to imagine how I would sculpt or paint God when it comes to different scenes of life with God.

At times I’ve thought: if I were to sculpt God, I would leave out his mouth or picture him with finger to lip - saying, “Silence!”


We know our side of communication with God.

For many prayer is saying prayers.

For many prayer is talking to God.

For many prayer is listening to God - but the trouble with this - once more - is that God is so often silent.

Thomas Green, the Jesuit spiritual writer, said, “Say to God, you got 5 minutes. I’m going to sit here for 5 minutes and wait for you to tell me what’s what with us.”

Sometimes that works. We “hear” God say, “I am with you.”  Or “I love you.” Or “You have my support and care.”

But often it’s silent and folks often say, “Boring.”

Then turn to the scriptures - read - and talk to God - about what you’re reading.


Or say a closing prayer and say, “I got work to do.”

Or say to God, “This is a loaded question: What are you saying to me?”
August 7, 2015


When they are all metal - pink painted -
standing on a front lawn - forget it,
they get neither my gasp nor my awe.  

But when they are flesh and blood,
pink winged - dancing through splashing 
wet waves - rising above the surf - then ….

Then I’m seeing God’s grandeur and
finger snapping creativity and laugh
and surprise and scream, “Look! Look!”

© Andy Costello, Reflections, 2015

Thursday, August 6, 2015

August 6, 2015


Mirrors mirrored back to her
the ugly word, “Ugly!” - when
everyone thought her so beautiful.
Well, that's how she pictured herself.
But all changed - when she started
her career as a teacher. She was
transfigured before all. She lit up
the dinner table when she told
stories about so many adventures
in the classroom. Her 4 younger
sisters were picturing their future
in high definition imagination. Her
mom and dad seeing her eyes,
her face, her flashes of passion -
they knew it was all worth it -
all the extra work - at times two jobs
to come up with money to pay 
for their kids education in a good 
Catholic school - and she was 
transfigured in light and slowly saw 
her beauty, her calling and her life.  

© Andy Costello, Reflections, 2015

Feast of the Transfiguration.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

August 5, 2015


Sometimes the waters are frozen, ice, the solid
stuck of winter - the slow waiting for the thaw....

Sometimes it’s time for spring, the melt, the
breaking of the ice - the starting to move….

Sometimes it’s the cascading flush and flow
of spring - rapids - the run of water to the sea....

Sometimes the waters are slow and silent, just
sitting there - not moving, not deep, summer….

Sometimes it’s the drought - the dry hot season,
just waiting for the fall, the winter, the next …..

© Andy Costello Reflections 2015

Tuesday, August 4, 2015



The title of my thoughts for this 18th Tuesday  is, “Miriam.”

She’s the main character in today’s first reading from the Book of Numbers [12: 1-13]

“Miriam”: it’s a nice sounding name. In a high school English poetry class, one of our teachers talked about the three most beautiful sounding letters in any language: M, L and R  Our teacher said that his favorite word in the English language was “oleomargarine”  - a word that has sort of disappeared - when shortened to “oleo.”  Looking back that is only thing I remember from that course.

Miriam has an M  - and a R - two of the those three most beautiful sounding letters. It doesn’t have a “L” the other beautiful sounding letter.

But who wants to have the name: Malaria?

“Miriam” - a clear sounding name.

It’s like “Marion”

However, if you name a little baby girl Miriam or Marion - you’re slating them to be older aunts and librarians as the song goes.


Lately, in these readings from Exodus and Numbers that we’ve been using for first readings - on weekdays - we’ve been hearing some early Jewish history and roots stuff.

So today - from Numbers - we hear about Miriam - hence this homily.

Miriam appears only a few times in the scriptures - 13 times to be exact - mainly in Numbers - but Exodus as well and in a few other spots.

She is the sister of Moses and Aaron.

In a story, we hear about the good, the bad and the ugly.

Let me start by mentioning some of the good stuff about Miriam.

She takes part in playing the timbrel and leading the dancing for the famous song in Exodus 15  which celebrates Israel’s escape from Egypt. Notice the mention of this after the song in Exodus 15: 20-21.

She gets associated with water - saving Moses with the basket story - and Pharaoh’s daughter discovers little Moses in the waters. Then the Red Sea escape. Then she is associated with a well in the desert.

In the feminist movement in Judaism, there is in modern times, Miriam’s cup. It’s a painted chalice that contains water. It’s on the table for the Seder meal. I wonder it that gets snickers and scorn from purists in Judaism.

On the bad and ugly side, she and Aaron criticized their brother for marrying a Cushite woman - also labeled an Ethiopian woman.   The other comment on the bad side is that some Jewish commentators say her motive for not liking Moses at times is that she was jealous of his success compared to her life.


These are just a few comments about Miriam.  I’ve been trying in these past few years to speak about stuff in the first reading - because after 50 years - I’ve done a lot of yakking about gospel stuff.

P.S. If you have a sister, give her a call and thank her for her presence in your life. If she has passed away, look at her life with you, and thank the Lord for the good stuff - and if forgiveness is called for, give it.

And if you’re going to have another baby, and it’s a girl, think Miriam!
August 4, 2015


Sat there on the back porch -
in the shade. Thank God
for a slight morning cool.
Eyed the massive grey elm
tree. It wasn’t moving.
It was like some people -
I know - the strong sturdy 
silent types - older of course.
Then my eyes moved
around to see the green
airport of my backyard -
birds taking off and landing
- darting here and there -
to the bird feeder - to the
bird bath - to several small
bushes - shaking their leaves-
like kids in the running -
dashing of their youth.
Ooops. Me? Sometimes
I don’t know where I am -
that is till I sit here with
a cup or morning coffee
and sip some of my life
and some of my day ahead.

© Andy Costello, Reflections, 2015