Sunday, August 9, 2015

August 8, 2015


Getting ready - those kicks while
in the womb - stretching those legs -
wanting out of there - out - up and away -
making our way in life - first crawling -
catching our breath - oooh the pain - oooh
the hurt of trying to stand tall - but falling -
till finally we accept reality - we’re human -
- we need help - then we want to get to
school - middle school - high school -
college graduate  - get a job - get married -
have kids - wanting to be there when they
take their first step - to see them grow,
as we go through the steps of life - retire -
enjoy - then at some point  being unable
to let go of the car keys - that’s a tough step -
then to take those last steps into a nursing
home  - with a cane - with a nurse’s aide -
not wanting a wheel chair - not wanting to die -
then the decision to make the ultimate step -
the big act faith - to crawl - it would be nice if
it was a leap  - but no - to crawl to the Father’s
feet - with the hope of rising to the Eternal Dance. Amen.

© Andy Costello, Reflections, 2015

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