November 9, 2022
There is a difference between Selective Christianity and Gradual Christianity.
Selective Christianity is accepting an awareness of various teachings and practices of Christianity - but choosing to deliberately not practice certain teachings - at least not yet.
Gradual Christianity is getting on the path - slowly discovering Christians truths and teachings - and slowly putting them into one's life - and not rejecting any of them out right.
Wait a minute.
That needs clarification.
There are the so called, "Hard teachings of Jesus."
Here's one: "If a person wants to come after me, he or she must deny their very self, take up their cross, and follow in my footsteps." [Matthew 16:14; Mark 8:34]
Do we add:
- "Go the extra mile."
- "Give the shirt off your back."
- "Visit Christ in prison."
- "Decrease - so Christ can increase in you."
- "Trust in providence.
- "Give what you have to the poor."
- "Come follow me."
- "No judging."
- "No stone throwing."
- "Realize the other person is not an object to make me feel better."
- "Every person has an inner room. Visit Christ there."
- "Make sure every person gets our respect - our love -care, health, and honor."
Did Martin Buber get his I-Thou versus I-It - from Christ - or from the Hebrew Scriptures - or from somewhere else?
Do I agree that "Life is difficult" - as M. Scott Peck puts it?
Do I agree with Dietric Bonhoeffer when he talks about The Cost of Discipleship?
Life takes time: both Chronos and Kairos.