October 28, 2022
Grey or gray is the color of the unnoticed - the hippo half underwater in the river - the elephant in the room.
Grey is a blend - as in "Blend in!"
Grey is being there but not wanting to be noticed.
Grey is the crayon that lets the red, yellow, black, green, and blue crayon to go ahead of it.
Grey says little - short sentences - waiting for the others to go ahead of it - at the restaurant - and give their order off the menu.
Gray is the anatomy of background - as in walls - as in skies on non-picnic or parade days.
Gray is not called off - but it still is not all there.
Gray is a fading - a blending - a blurring - a sky on most days in February in the northeast.
Gray is not in stained glass windows. Did you ever notice that?
Gray is the color of ashes after the house or the forest has been burnt - after the roaring red fire is out - the morning after the disaster.
Gray is the color of granite - oatmeal - seagulls and pigeons.
Gray is the color of skim milk - ugh - the last choice in selecting milk from the fridge - for cereal - hoping there is also some fruit in the fridge.
Gray is the color of God for some - God the Father - the old guy with the grey hair - who is quiet - moving along alone - like an elephant or a lone wolf.