August 10, 2022
When a couple get married at our church, they are given a compatibility test.
It has 150 questions.
I noticed a statement: "There are teachings of the Catholic Church that I disagree with." The person is then asked to check: "Yes," "No," or "Undecided."
I like to make a comment about that one. I say, "There are teachings of the Catholic Church that I disagree with."
It's part of my philosophy: "Be a thinking person."
Then I add, "I disagree with some things - but I don't proclaim it publically."
Then I might add: "In our 2000 year history, we have made various changes."
Every couple hopefully know they will change as spend their life together.
Every couple with kids know they will have differing opinions about particular issues when it comes to raising kids.
So why can't people agree that we will have disagreements?
A lady came up to me last evening after the 5:30 Mass. She said she disagrees with a comment I made about Buddhism in my homily. I had stated that there was a Buddhist philosophy - a non religious Buddhist philosophy that the Buddha aught - and then in time for many Buddhism became a religion - with various teachings and practices.
I smiled and said I disagree with you about your comments. In fact I mentioned a book by Alread Graham entitled, Zen Catholicism.
But I added "You can disagree" and I hope I made my comments with a smile - trying to be agreeable.