Thursday, August 4, 2022

 August 4, 2022



Everything was gold.

Little gold 50's were sprinkled on every round table.

Her shoes were gold. Her dress was gold. The hall was draped in gold.

It was a golden moment - 50 years of marriage.

I got into a seat where I could see it all - the pictures - the children - the golden  grandchildren - the friends - lots of friends.

Their marriage worked.

They said they worked at it.

Six children: three girls, three boys.

Johnny, the oldest, gave a toast  from a small stage. It had humor. It had seriousness. The  sound that hit me was: not everyone makes it to 50.

People die. Divorce. Or just give up and separate.

This couple made it.

I sensed gratitude - thanks - grabbing the spotlight on their faces and in their eyes. Sober simple gratitude as they talked together near the end to all 100+ present.

At a wedding a newly married couple work the room together.  At their 50th this couple worked the room separately - and this made sense doing it this way. 

You have to know them. You have to have been there.

There was so much to share - so many connections and re-connections - so many stories to tell the other in small connecting groups.

50th Golden Gathering - so much to be thankful for.

Thank You, God - so much to share on Monday morning....

 August 4, 2022

Thought for Today

"Music is spiritual. The music business is not."

Van Morrison, 

Irish singer,


and musician.

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

 August 3, 2022



It was a long flight from Phoenix to Baltimore. I had gotten on Southwest #1488. We left from John Wayne Airport, Orange County, California. We headed to Phoenix.  We then picked up passengers for Baltimore.

The front bathroom was broken - from Phoenix to Baltimore.  Someone threw something down into the toilet - perhaps diapers - on the short flight from Los Angeles to Phoenix.

The maintenance crew couldn't fix it.

Other than that, oops, someone spilled something onto the food trays. As a result of this second mishap, they didn't serve water, soda, beer, and cheese on this flight. No peanuts either.

It was a chance to look out the windows and see the southwest on Southwest.

All was dry. However, I didn't see the areas where fires were raging. It has been a long drought in Arizona and Sidona. Every news program in California had highlighted the fires.

I bought a Los Angeles Times.  It was only $1.50. Not bad. It's tricky opening and turning  pages on an airplane - especially with a person in the seat next to me - especially from John Wayne to Phoenix.

So I  had a chance to read the Times A1 to the last page.

I also had a chance to look at America - from the plane windows.

I also has a chance to look at my upcoming weekend - flying out on a Friday from a NIH - a National Institute of Health meeting in California - finishing up Phase I of the Clinical Trial for Convergence Insufficiency that I was part of.

I also had a chance to look at my life - at the age of 66 - a priest - a human being - a person who doesn't stop to think enough.

I like to step back  - and fly somewhere - because then when I arrive home - I have a different perspective.

In the meanwhile I still wondered, "Who blocked up the toilet  on this plane? Who was that person?  If they didn't know they did it, they might do it again."

 August 3, 2022

Thought for Today

"Late on the third day, at the very moment when, at sunset, we were making our way through a herd of hippopotamuses, there flashed upon my mind, unforeseen and unsought, the phrase, 'Reverence for Life'."

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

 August 2,  2022



Today is the 41st anniversary of my ordination to the priesthood: June 20, 1965.

Nobody said, "Happy Anniversary!"

Yet I did say that to the other guys.  All of us were ordained in June.

Nobody responded, "And with you too."

Last year - 2005 - we did celebrate our 40th anniversary as a class.  We - not all - got together at San Alfonso Retreat House, Long Branch, New Jersey - those who stayed and those who left.

Tonight I'll e-mail as many as the other guys  in the class as I have e-mail addresses.

"Happy Anniversary!"

If one is married, one can say to the other, "Happy Anniversary!"

I was thinking of those who have died: "In a way I'm like those who have lost a spouse."

What's it like for those who have left the priesthood? Is it like being divorced? Do they erase dates from their interior calendar - hanging on the wall of their minds?

I see now how I get a reaction at the time  I say at the final blessing at Mass, "May God bless all those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries on this day."

That catches a puzzled look at times.

I should do that more,

Happy Anniversary.

We never know what happened to folks this day in the past.

How many years do we have left?

To You, Lord, I want to say, "Thanks for 41 years today and for all the people we got to meet so far. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks."

That's my anniversary prayer today.

 August 2, 2022

Thought for Today

"A nickname is the heaviest stone that the devil can throw at a man."

William Hazlitt [1778-1839]

Sketches and Essays (1839) Nicknames 

Monday, August 1, 2022

August 1, 2022



Now with digital and phone cameras there are a lot more amateur photographers.

Will the pictures last?

Will they go the way of e-mail letters?

At a 90th Birthday party yesterday people were looking at photographs - especially of grandma from long ago.

One granddaughter - aged 20 or so had pen in hand - and a xeroxed copy of a photo from the 1930's.  She was asking, "Who's who?" Then she jotted down the name of a person and something above each person.

Photographs ....

They are captured scenes of flying time - like scenes out the window of a moving bus window....

Cement memories - these are photographs - of stopped time.

I went to see an exhibit of Anselm Adams photographs at the Michenor Museum in Doylestown, PA. I stopped to watch a video - that was ongoing all day long. In it Anselm is explaining his techniques - along with  the history of some of his famous photographs.

Photographs ....

What ever happened to a photo I took of Jesus - hands open - holding the rising sun coming up out of the ocean?

Why do I love a photo I have of my dad at 25 or so?

Why do I have a few shoe boxes of photos under my bed.


Trying to hold onto youth - good times - the past - the moment .... There we are in a beautiful place - and we know we have to leave - so we see people taking pictures  in National Parks - or at fountains - the ocean - mountains - lakes.

Yet we know time is moving ahead.  One's body clock - one's heart - one's skin - one's legs - one's lungs -  and all the rest of me has a time limit.

Ugh. That kills me.

Freeze - the frame of the present - is not lasting.