I lost my soul there for a while ….
Actually - it was
a long slow while ….
Work, relationships - some iffy
for a while - family
- the weekend life -
and then stuff - some forbidden fruit -
the basic indoor ingredients of actual -
verbal and non-verbal atheism -
when I had to move
east of Eden ….
I was not running
from God - just floating
downstream to avoid HINTS of God ….
Then I hit 67 plus - when I found myself
in the open sea of life - and death - when
I began attending
more frequent funerals
of specific
relatives and people I had met.
It was then, then, then, I began to know
I had this vast ruined - forgotten garden -
within me. It was overgrown with weeded
paths and a rusty wrought
iron bench that
needed attention -
that is, if I wanted
to meet and sit with God in the cool of the
evening after the heat of the day weeding.
God, once more, you asked, “Where am I?”
“Here,” I answered. Then I asked, humbly,
“Can I come back into the garden?”
© Andy Costello, Reflections 2018
Cf. Genesis 2: 4b to 3: 24