November 7, 2015
A white tissue was tossed towards
a trash basket
in the mall. Missed. It just
lay there as I sat there
on a small mall bench - some thirty feet away.
I saw a mall cleaner with rubber
gloves walking.
Nope he missed it goo - so the
tissue stayed there.
Dozens and dozens of people went
by it - till I got
up - picked it up - and slam
dunked into the basket.
Sat down again and began thinking
about so many
NCIS TV programs. That tissue
contained someone’s
DNA - someone’s nose run -
someone’s something.
Began wondering where my DNA
might still be
clinging. I looked up on internet
the question,
“How long does DNA last?” I got
two answers:
521 years and if the conditions
are right, 6.8
million years. Now that’s a long,
long time.
This got me wondering -
especially about my parents.
Is my DNA still on their
foreheads where I kissed
them or on their hands which I
touched before
the casket lid was closed and
oops, obviously,
I’m walking around with their DNA
all the time.
© Andy Costello, Reflections 2015