Wednesday, December 23, 2009


you know
the glory of God
in red berries and the glisten
and glow of new cold snow.
May you be surprised in church,
not just with Jesus in the crib and
the cross, the bread and the crowd,
but by 99 quiet babies in cradles
and 1 baby who is crying
till she spots you
and then she starts to laugh.
And may you be there at the
exact moment on Christmas morn,
when children rush in to rip open their gifts
from under the Christmas tree;
but especially
may you always have room
in your Inn for Christ.
O come let us adore him.
O come let us adore him.
Christ the Lord.

© Reflections, 2009, Andy Costello

With your mouse
put the arrow or cursor
on a red berry and tap, tap,
and see those beautiful red berries
in our Marian Garden up close and cold.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Small like a seed.

Small like a baby.

Small like a smile.

Small like a wave with one’s hand from a car or at a basketball game – to someone 30 yards away – or 30 seats away.

Small like an act of kindness.

Small like an “Amen” at Mass – that connects us with all those other small “Amen’s” at Mass – and then they become a loud “Amen” that is sent into God’s ear – and each other’s ears.

Small like a step – one step at a time – one day at a time – in A.A., Alcoholics Anonymous – and slowly a person sobers up – wakes up – slowly – one step at a time – okay sometimes there is a slip – but they start again – and it was only a small slip in the long run.

Small like the holding of a baby and rocking her or him till they fall asleep.

Small like dropping into a nursing home – to see a next door neighbor who is slipping slowly in dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Small like reading a page of a book – one page at a time – and in time the book is read.

Small like a hearing aid battery in the hand of a widower with early Parkinson’s at a senior citizens’ center – who is missing a lot of what’s going on and a lady with a clipboard - who is just happening to go by stops and says, “Oh, let me put that battery in for you. My mom always says they make them too small.”

Small like a “yes” today – and a “yes” tomorrow – and another “yes” the next day – each “yes” with love – each “yes” being something to make the whole enterprise called a “family” or “household” work – as in filling and emptying the dish washer – and doing the big weekly food shopping trip – with the added getting needed milk on the way home from work on a Wednesday evening – because of a cell phone call – and then there is soccer moming – and football dading – as well as the going to work Monday to Friday – the commuting – the daily work for daily bread – and soon a couple celebrate their 25th and then their 50th wedding anniversary.

Small like a returned phone call – or an e-mail – seconds small.

Small like a snow flake – and in 24 hours we have a couple of feet of snow.

Small like shoveling snow – and in an hour a path is cleared – and then a few hours later – the same shoveling – but good thing you did the first hour – because it makes the second hour of shoveling snow easier - sometimes.

Small like chopping celery – or putting together a salad – or making 5 bean soup.

Small like turning lights out – so as to do our part is not wasting electricity.

Small like picking up a candy wrapper on the floor near a waste paper basket.

Small like a male putting the seat up before and the down afterwards.

Small like going the extra mile – giving the shirt off our back – putting a dollar in the poor box – dropping 50 cents into a guitar case of a metro musician – like buying girl scout cookies.

Small like learning how to play the piano – or violin – tuba or trombone – one lesson at a time – one piece at a time.

Small like sitting with a little kid and having him or her read a kids’ book to us or us to them – concentrating on them – being present to them – and not to the TV in the background – and they feel like they are secure – having someone giving them undivided attention.

Small like having a cup of coffee with a co-worker or a friend – but we really want to get moving – but they look like they need a break and a break with a live, human being – and they have nothing really important to say – so they say trivia to us – and they feel good – that someone listened to them.

Small like putting together a jigsaw puzzle as a family – one piece at a time.

Small like playing “Go Fish” with a 4 year old or chess with a teenager.

Small like a young girl named Mary – a no-name from basically a no-name town – who said “Yes” to God and gave us the first Christmas.

Small like a small town like Nazareth and Bethlehem – where Jesus a small town carpenter begins – and slowly changes the world.

Small like a light in the window – a sign of welcome – “I’m home! Do drop in.”

Small like decorating a Christmas tree – one ornament at a time – one string of tinsel at a time – one Christmas tree light wrapping at a time.

Small like a small compliment, “Did you lose weight?” even though we now it’s a lie – but we know it will makes someone’s day.

Small like a small note – on a Christmas card – instead of just a signature.

Small like a “Please” or a “Thank you”.

Small like remembering someone’s birthday – with a card or a call.

Small like letting someone out into traffic – ahead of us – otherwise they might be there two minutes – because we notice in our rear view mirror there is a whole stream of traffic coming behind us.

Small like knowing what the other’s favorite ice cream flavor is – or one’s favorite movie – or color – or TV program.

Small like fitting through the eye of the needle and discovering the kingdom of God is all around us on the other side of an attitude change.

Small like a 3 page homily on the idea of “small”.

Homiletic Reflection for the 4th Sunday of Advent - Year C. The small word "small" in today's first reading as well as the Gospel triggered this reflection. Cf. Micah 5: 1-4a; Hebrews 10:5-10; Luke 1:39-45

Saturday, December 12, 2009



The title of my homily is, “An Inner Echo Called ‘Joy!’”

As you know the middle Sunday in both Advent and Lent echo the theme of “Joy.” The old names in Latin were “Gaudete Sunday” for the Third Sunday in Advent, today, and “Laetare Sunday” for the Fourth Sunday in Lent. The antiphons and readings echo the theme of joy.

As you know one of the great Christmas hymns is, “Joy to the World, the Lord has Come.” Some people who say they never sing in church, start singing when the Christmas song, “Joy to the World” begins.

Joy to the world, the Lord has come.


Here are 10 questions on the theme of joy:

1) What were the ten most joyful moments in your life so far – and list them in order of importance – 1 being the best?

2) What brings you joy?

3) Do you ever sing in the shower or when you are in your car all by yourself?

4) Tell me about a moment you brought joy to the heart of another?

5) Who is the most joyful person you met in your life so far?

6) Without using a mirror, are you aware when there is a smile on your face or when there is a scowl on your face?

7) For some people Christmas brings back joyful memories; for some people, Christmas has sorrowful memories? Please explain?

8) Now that we have 4 sets of mysteries to our rosary, did you ever notice that 3 out of 4 are positive? That’s 15 mysteries or life experiences that are upbeat – and only 5 that deal with sorrow and suffering. How about the mysteries of your life?

9) Which has the greatest impact on the joy level of a person: they are an oldest child, a youngest child, an only child, the only boy, the only girl, they are a middle child, they have or had fun parents, they have a happy marriage, they have a child, they have children, they have a job they love to get out of bed to go to, they are retired, they have money in the bank, one’s kids are happily married, they have grandkids, they have faith, they have a great mother-in-law, other?

10) How would you define or describe joy?


I had 10 questions, so I decided to come up with 10 good quotes on joy. I found so many – that it was difficult in even getting them down to these 20.

“Joy is the echo of God within us.” Leon Bloy

“All I can say about life is, Oh God, enjoy it.” Bob Newhart

“A person will be called to account on Judgment Day for every permissible thing one might have enjoyed but did not.” Talmud

“Did you bring joy?” / “Did you find joy?” Egyptian god Osiris asks those who come to him after death.

“Joy is the flag you fly when the Prince of Peace is in residence within your heart.” Wilfred Peterson

“When at night you cannot sleep, talk to the Shepherd and stop counting the sheep.” Anon

“Cana of Galilee ... Ah, that sweet miracle! It was not people's grief, but their joy Christ visited, He worked his first miracle to help people’s gladness.” — Feodor Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazou, 1880

“Do you prefer that you right, or that you are happy?” A Course in Miracles

“Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” Robert Brault

“Enjoy yourself. These are the ‘good old days’ you’re going to miss in the years ahead.” Anonymous

“Joy is when you find a parking space. Euphoria is when there is time in the meter.” Toledo Blade, Jan. 27, 1998

“Love and work – these are the basics. Without them there is neurosis.” Theodore Reik

“We are made for happiness, and anyone who is completely happy has a right to say to himself or herself, ‘I am doing God’s will on earth.’” Anton Chekhov

“Should we not see that lines of laughter about the eyes are just as much marks of faith as are the line of care and seriousness? Is it only earnestness that is baptized? Is laughter pagan? We have already allowed too much that is good to be lost to the church and cast many pearls before swine. A church is in a bad way when it banishes laughter from the sanctuary and leaves it to the cabaret, the nightclub and the toastmasters.” Helmut Thielicke

“The trouble with many men is that they have got just enough religion to make them miserable. If there is not joy in reli­gion, you have got a leak in your religion.” —William A. (Billy) Sunday

“The true object of all human life is play.” G. K. Chesterton

“The worst sin – perhaps the only sin – passion can commit, is to be joyless.” Dorothy Leigh Sayers

“To bring joy to a single heart is better than to build many shrines for worship.” Abu Sa’id Ibn Abi Khayr, in M. Smith, Readings from the Mystics of Islam

“What a wonderful life I’ve had! I only wish I’d realized it sooner.” Colette

“You shall have joy, or you shall have power, said God; you shall not have both.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson, Journal, October 1842


This is a very easy, short and hopefully helpful and joyful homily.

Today’s readings challenge us to ask ourselves, “Am I a joyful person?”

Today’s homily presented 10 questions and 20 quotations on the question of joy. Bottom line: “Am I a joyful person?”

Today’s Sunday is part of the season called Advent – which means preparing for the coming of Christ into our hearts in a new way. Some day this week – some moment or moments before Christmas – find yourself in a quiet place and listen to your soul. Can you hear joy being sung in your heart? Can you hear Christmas carols in your ear and your memory, especially, “Joy to the World, the Lord Has Come!”

If you hear in your ear an inner echo called, "Joy", if you feel joy in your face, if you sense joy in your life, rejoice, because you're hearing the echo of God within! Your answer to the question, “Am I a joyful person?” is yes.

Christmas can be everyday – every day the Christian senses that Christ is within one’s heart – one’s stable – even if one thinks their heart is unstable, even if it has on the floor of their soul – that stuff that stinks up stables. Smile that’s where Christ is born. Joy to the world. Amen.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


It was his third yoke.

It wasn’t that the first one or the second one weren’t good, but his third yoke was best. Good – better – best – an oftentimes hope.

He had seen Joseph make them all through his youth. Then he began helping Joseph make several of them – sawing and cutting, carving and drilling holes for the leather and the ropes in the right places.

He was 15 when he made his first yoke.

He patterned it after the ones Joseph made. But first he went to the farmer who ordered it – looked at his two oxen – measured them – checked the yoke that was being replaced. Yokes last a long time – but they have their day – from the pull and push of oxen and rope – and from strain and stress - from removing rocks and stumps. Then he went home with his drawing and measurements.

Sure enough the farmer was pleased – but Jesus wasn’t. He went out at times to see the farmer at work – and he came up with a few ways he thought could improve his work.

Carpenters made more than yokes. There were homes to help build – as well as doors, tables and chairs. Yet Jesus was intrigued with yokes. There was pain and scrape. Sometimes blood came into the story.

A second request was made. A farmer talked to another farmer who said, “Joseph’s son is good – a good carpenter. He makes a good yoke.” Joseph was in the front of his shop when this new farmer showed up – wanting Jesus – not Joseph to be the one – to make a new yoke. A tinge of jealousy – and age – was Joseph’s first reaction – but then a smile of pride arrived on his face. After all, he had taught Jesus all he knew.

He called Jesus, who was in the back, to meet the farmer – and take the request. Jesus got directions to the farm. He said he wanted to meet his oxen. The farmer liked that. “Here is a young man who takes his work seriously. Too many young people can be too carefree.”

Jesus went out and studied the farmer’s oxen. They were a bit different than the oxen from the first yoke he made. One was stronger in shoulder than the other; one was stronger in legs than the one with the stronger shoulders. One was young and one was old.

Back Jesus went to the shop. It took him two days to make this second yoke. Mary and Joseph clapped when they saw the final step. Then early the third morning Jesus put the yoke on the back of the family donkey and brought it to the farmer. The farmer paid Jesus his coins and the two of them put it on the oxen. Perfect fit. Even the oxen didn’t grunt or groan when the final clamping was done. “Nice work, Jesus. Nice fit. Thanks.” Even the oxen seemed to smile.

Jesus walked home with the donkey – singing and celebrating – enjoying the morning breeze. Both spotted the birds of the air, the grapes on the vines and the wheat in the field.

About a week later, when out for a walk – Jesus spotted a poor couple – a recently married husband and wife – plowing a field – not with oxen – but with their own power and pull – strapped into their own homemade wooden yoke – and he could see blood on the husband’s shoulder.

He stopped walking, went over to them and introduced himself. He asked to see their yoke. He studied it – and studied both their upper bodies. He was good at measuring a person.

He too knew poverty. The couple were living in a stable or was it a lean-to? She looked like she was with child. The couple said they were hoping to make a start on this small piece of land that came with an old stable.

Without telling them, Jesus worked on a new yoke for husband and wife. It called for adjusting and readjusting – wood and leather – ropes and holes. He used Joseph and Mary as models - making sure this would make work easier for this couple. Joseph was amazed at Jesus' ability to come up with new ways to do things. In two weeks he had it finished.

The next day the couple spotted Jesus walking up the road with a yoke on his shoulders – and a smile on his face. Both were wondering, “What was this?” Then Jesus said, “I made this new yoke for you. It’s free – and I’m hoping it will make your work easy and your burdens light.”

*This is a story homily for Wednesday, 2nd week of Advent, 2009. The gospel reading is the "Come to me, all you who are burdened, and I will give you rest" text. [Matthew 11:28-30] P.S. I looked up several reference books on how a yoke was made in Jesus' time - but after that - I'm at a loss for more exact details - having grown up in the city! Smile.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009




The title of my homily is, “Where Are You?”

I remember a sermon from years ago. It was given by Father Andy Cusack. He was preaching on today’s first reading from the book of Genesis – better – when he used the question in today’s first reading, “Where are you?” [Genesis 3:9-15, 20]

He was a diocesan priest – he has since died – from Bridgeport, Ct. and was giving us Redemptorists a retreat at San Alfonso, Retreat House, Long Branch, New Jersey.

I don’t remember anything else from the homily – other than he talked about the question, “Where are you?”

I don’t remember homilies or sermons – especially my own. I have close to 3000 sermons on my computer. I don’t like to repeat myself. Sometimes I look up what I said 10, 20 or 30 years ago and I say to myself, “Oooh! I said that. Ugh! Ouch!”

Where are you?”

In some ways we’re the same; and in some ways, hopefully, we’re different than we were 10, 20 and 30 years ago.

Where are you?


One of the beauties of some of the stories in the Book of Genesis is that they took a long, long time to evolve. They kept on being refined – first spoken and then written. They kept on getting better and better in looking at some of the most basic questions of life.

Today’s first reading used for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception gets at questions like, “Where are you?” It talks about having a relationship with God – and then hiding from God. It talks about nakedness – inner and outer – especially inner – being exposed – caught in a mistake – a stupidity – a sin. It’s talking about forbidden fruit – taking forbidden fruit – getting caught – blaming others.

It talks about all this stuff in very poetic and symbolic language. There are people who like snakes – as in, liking them for pets – but I sense the majority of us – see them as “Uh oh’s” – as silent and sneaky crawling creatures sliding along the ground – the dirt – hiding and biting people who get too close to them.

Today’s first reading from Genesis also has a great “Why?” question. “Why did you do such a thing?”

We all know about that one! We know the story. We can relate to blame and shame and doing stupid things. We might not make the paper or evening news – because we’re not a famous athlete or public figure. But we make our own evening news – and sometimes we can’t sleep – even if we tried to pass the blame for doing something sinful and stupid onto others.


Where are you with this feast of the Immaculate Conception?

Where are you right now?

We're here in church right now, but you might be at work – or mulling over something someone said to you yesterday or last week.

I was with 6 of my brother’s 7 daughters and their families for Thanksgiving Week – at Rehoboth Beach this year. I drove back here on that Friday. I still find myself there with them and different things we talked about and things we did together as family.

There I was at this big table with Dylan doing a jigsaw puzzle. It’s part of our Thanksgiving tradition to do a jigsaw puzzle as a family. People stop from time to time to work on a few pieces – and then move onto something new. Through the years, Dylan and I often spent a good bit of time together at the Thanksgiving Week puzzle. He’s a neat kid. He is 100 times better than me doing a jigsaw puzzle. I like doing this kind of puzzle because I’m often somewhere else – or chatting with Dylan or someone – and surprise, surprise, something comes together while we’re talking or being quiet – a piece of the puzzle is solved – or I figure out where a piece of the puzzle of life fits in.

This year, while working on the puzzle, I began to see something new. Dylan was constantly tapping something into his cell phone or whatever the gadget was. I figured he was having a texting conversation – over and over again to a friend back home in Arizona.

A lady had told me recently that she checked the family phone bill and one kid had 700 texts in a week. Wow. And she had only 30 and her husband had only 1 – and when she was telling him about this, he said, “That 1 was done by you – so I have none.”

Where are you? Where are all these people on cell phones and Blackberries and Droids as they are driving – or walking – or stepping outside?


I was at a meeting up in Pasadena, Maryland, yesterday. It was our regular 2nd Monday of the Month meeting for priests and deacons in our deanery. I always remember at meetings the story of a guy on an elevator after a meeting. Another guy says to him, “Wow that was a boring meeting, but you looked okay with it.” And the other person said, “I was ice fishing in Minnesota.”

Where are you?


As we heard in today’s gospel, Mary – a teenage girl – was there in Nazareth – filled with other plans – and surprise, God jumped into her life with other plans. She asked questions. Then she said, “Yes!” [Luke 1: 26-38]

I’m sure for the next 9 months – for the next 10, 20, 30 years, she might have been at the oven or in the carpenter shop or on the road, but I bet you, her mind was somewhere else.

I smile when people confess distractions in prayer. I confess that I think that many times distractions, being somewhere else, is what prayer is all about. Where are you? Where have you been during this Mass so far?

* Painting on top: Mary - part of the Moulins' Triptych in the Moulins' Cathedral. Isn't it a neat picture? It's dated around 1498-99. It was done by the Master of Moulins - an unknown artist as of now. Check it out on Google to see the whole triptych. The notes say the artist has both Flemish and French styles and / or influence.

Sunday, December 6, 2009



The title of my homily is, “Mountains and Molehills.”

We’ve all heard the old saying, “Don’t make mountains out of molehills.”


With yesterday’s snow, a decision had to be made last evening about St. Mary’s Sunday morning Religious Ed classes – as well as the 8 AM Children’s Mass – as well as the Adult Religious Ed Discussion Program for after the 8 AM Children’s Mass.

Yesterday morning and afternoon I was helping with First Reconciliation, First Confession, for tiny kids and their parents and grandparents at Our Lady of the Fields Parish in Millersville.

It was raining on my way over there at 10 AM – and then it started to snow.

Coming back yesterday afternoon around 2:45, I was wondering if the play in our St. Mary’s High School for last night would be cancelled. I was glad I saw it on Friday night.

With the snow continuing, I was wondering about tomorrow, Sunday.

After a half hour nap and confessions here, and after two hot dogs for supper, I went to work on 3 things for this morning. I had to write a homily for the 8 AM Children’s Mass. Then I was going to put together a reflection for the Sunday morning Religious Education Adult Discussion program. The theme was to be on Advent. Then I would start my homily for the 12:30 Mass for today.

I was working on my Children’s Mass homily – a story – when I got a phone call telling me the Kids’ Mass, as well as Sunday morning Religious Education Classes, as well as the Advent Adult Ed Discussion program, were being cancelled – after checking this out with the pastor. Mr. Steve Beard, who is charge of all these Religious Ed programs, then said with a smile in his voice, “I know you people from up north – are used to lots of snow.”

Steve Beard, didn’t say, “I am not trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.”

Yet, a decision had to be made the night before – for here at St. Mary’s and I’m sure a million more programs, plays, parties, games, etc. in the path and reality of the snow or snow storm. And from experience, people in charge know decisions have to be made. And people in charge know that every decision has consequences. People will show up and discover closed doors. Some people will then say, “Okay, I understand!” Others will scream – in frustration – about failure of communication around here – not knowing there was a phone tree and the change was made on our web site, and announced on the radio, etc.

I remember hearing about a guy going bankrupt because of a bunch of lawsuits – when one of his school buses crashed and killed some kids in a snowstorm – when school was not called off.

Life calls for lots of decisions.

Life has its sunny mornings like today – as well as its swirling and sticking snow like yesterday. And Mr. Steve Beard told me last night that the temperature report for tomorrow morning is 28 degrees.

Decisions, decisions, decisions.

There are mountains and there are molehills – ups and downs, twists and turns, this and that’s in life.

In the meanwhile, my mountain became a molehill – because all I had to put together for today was a homily for the 12:30 Sunday Mass.


Once more the Sunday Readings have food for thought.

Today’s first reading and today’s gospel both talk about leveling mountains – and using the rocks and mountain earth to fill in the valleys and make everything smooth and level.

Green theologians certainly would make comments about that – as well as poets like Wendell Berry. He was on the Diane Rehm show last Monday, November 30th, voicing a protest about strip coal mining in his native Kentucky – ruining the view, destroying the trees, and causing massive ecological ruin. The process used is the removal of whole tops of mountains – to get to the coal. Of course it’s jobs and less dependence on foreign oil – but it’s also mess and scream.

Everything has consequences. Decisions. Decisions. Decisions.

Today’s Gospel talks not only about leveling mountains and filling valley’s, but also about making winding roads straight – and rough ways smooth.

Does anyone complain about Route 97? Does everyone who falls or almost falls, complain about certain sections of bumpy red bricks on the sidewalks of Annapolis? Does everyone love the Shenandoah Valley as well as the Blue Ridge mountains? How many people stop when driving – when they see the sign, “Scenic Overview”?

If I go back to the street I grew up on, to the house we lived in, 326-62nd Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. it is no longer there. It was removed to make way for a wider and faster Gowanus Parkway. Does anyone who grew up where Route 97 now rolls – miss their childhood home or farm or what have you?


William James, the 19th and early 20th century philosopher said in a 1907 lecture on Pragmatism, “The philosophy which is so important in each of us is not a technical matter; it is our more or less dumb sense of what life honestly and deeply means. It is only partly got from books; it is our individual way of just seeing and feeling the total push and pressure of the cosmos.” [Pragmatism, Lecture I, 1907]

We learn from books, from church, from lectures, from conversations, from adult ed, but William James is saying the key thing is common sense and dumb sense – the what we have picked up from the pull and pressure of what surrounds us.

What’s in your wallet? What’s in your pressure cooker? What’s does your education look like in degreeless common or dumb sense? What have you picked about life so far?

What impact do mountains have on a valley?

What effect do they have on the weather patterns and the psyche patterns of the people?

Would a person be different growing up in the shadow of a mountain – looking out the window each morning – and seeing that mountain –– than if they grew up on the plains.

Would we be different if our dad was 6 foot 5 or 5 foot 6 – if he was a piece of cake or a bottle of spicy sauce sprinkled on everything we did growing up? What impact do we have on each other?


One of my regular homily hopes and questions is to ask people to reflect on something I’m pushing in my homily and then do some homework on that during the week to come. You heard me. What do you hear from yourself ? And to do this as a couple and/or family.

And I try to do this in 10 minutes – 5 pages typed – 14 pica. But I realize that time itself is relative. That’s why I love the saying, “How long a minute takes depends on which side of the bathroom door you’re on.” How long a 10 minute homily takes, depends on which side of the pulpit you’re on.

Okay here’s one of my perceptions and it’s about perception. Come up with one perception that you have come up with – something that makes common or dumb or smart sense to you.

Here it is: Perception is reality, till we sometimes discover our perception is not reality.

I’m preaching a parish mission somewhere in New Jersey. I’m dressed as a priest. It’s Saturday afternoon – I’m trying to find this church. I’m lost. I pull into a gas station just across from a water tower. I ask this young gas station attendant if he knows where St’s Peter and Paul Church is. He stays quiet for a moment. Then he says, “It looks like you came down this street, so go out of the station, make a left turn and go up this street for 5 lights till you hit a big main road. Make a left turn there and then go 1 light. Make a left turn there and go down 3 lights and the church will be on your left.

I say okay.

Using my hand I go the 5 lights till I hit the big main road. I go one light and make a left and go down 3 lights and sure enough there it is. However, as I’m getting out of my car I see the water tower just to my left. I say to myself, “The son of a gun. He could have told me to go out of the gas station – go to the corner - and then make a right and go a few blocks there is the church. Ugh.

Sunday afternoon I go to take a walk and I’m heading for the tower and the gas station on foot. Surprise I come to a canal that can’t be crossed – and I realize then and there I had to go the way the gas station guy sent me.

We’re driving to Colorado – 4 priests – from the Bronx – to go back packing in the Rockies. We hit Colorado in 32 hours – straight driving – switching drivers every 2 hours. We’re now in Colorado driving west and we see the mountains ahead of us. It’s getting really dark – and we won’t be able to get into Estes Park – in the Rockies till morning, so we decide to pull onto a dirt road and we climb over a barbwire fence – set up our two tents and sleep for the night.

We wake up in the morning. It’s all bright outside – but we’re surrounded by two dozen or so steer’s grazing. We get out of our tent – trying to avoid steer drops – and surprise, there are no mountains. We still have miles and miles to go. What we saw the night before were clouds that looked like mountains.


Perception is reality, till we discover our perception is not reality.

Sometimes mountains are mountains and sometimes mountains are just clouds that disappear in the morning.

Sometimes molehills are mountains and sometimes mountains are molehills.

Sometimes lumps are cancerous – sometimes they are just lumps.

Friday, December 4, 2009



[You probably have heard the nursery rhyme called, “The Three Blind Mice”.

3 blind mice,
See how they run!
They all ran after the farmer’s wife,
Who cut off their tails
with a carving knife,
Did you ever see such
a sight in your life,
As 3 blind mice?

People have different theories and stories about it going back to the 1600’s. Some say it refers to Queen Mary and her killing 3 Protestant Bishops or 3 Protestant martyrs, Ridley, Cramner and Latimer or it refers to 3 millers. It makes for ongoing detective work and theories.

When I was a kid I remember seeing a few Brooklyn Dodger games at Ebbets Field - and many games on TV in black and white. In those days they used 3 umpires for a game. Well, there was a group of musicians at some games called the "Sym-Phony Band." They would play the tune, "Three Blind Mice" when the umpires came on the field or made what they thought was a bad call.

This story is about 2 blind mice and I made it up for a story for today’s readings – triggered by the story of Jesus’ healing 2 blind men. I’m not sure how to come up with a good kick at the end, so this is a first draft. The readings are the readings for the 1st Friday of Advent, Isaiah 29:17-24 and Matthew 9: 27-31. So here's a story entitled, “Two Blind Mice”.]

Once upon a time there were 2 blind mice. They were so cute and so cuddly – and they lived a long, long, long life. Their names were Ray and Claire – and they celebrated many a wedding anniversary together – getting grey – but not that noticeable – because after all, grey is the color of mice.

Clare was beautiful and loving – and always gave her husband first pickings of whatever food they found. Ray was round and furry - and well fed - and always had a great smile on his face.

Their handicap, blindness, ended up being their blessing.


Well, all mice, as every one knows, stay close to the wall of every room they enter. Now that’s where the traps are. Now that’s where the cats wait. But Ray and Claire – being blind – they didn’t know where the walls were. So they just marched into every room they entered and moved about freely.

Jesus loved seeing the 2 blind mice every time they came into the carpenter shop – sniffing around – finding a crumb here and a crumb there. They loved goat cheese – a bread crumb – or a drop of wine which might have spilled or dropped on the floor. In fact, they especially loved a drop of wine around supper time - and Jesus often oblidged them. They thought of it as the miracle of the wine. It was like a happy hour if they found a drop or 2 just before looking for supper.

But Jesus, Mary and Joseph also felt sad for these 2 blind mice, because they never got to see the color of leather or cloth, the blue of sky, the birds of the air or the flowers of the field. They never got to see the white flow and flash of a goat’s white hair when it scurried or the grey and brown white of a sheep’s coat.

Well, these 2 blind mice were still there when Jesus left home – to go on his mission – of preaching good news – the good news to love one another. And Jesus forgot the 2 blind mice after he really got busy – that is, till one day he walked by 2 blind men – who called out to him, “Son of David, have pity on us!”

I don’t know if Jesus heard them – in fact, I’m surprised if he didn’t because they were shouting, “Son of David, have pity on us!”

Well, these were 2 pretty persistent blind men. They followed Jesus to his house there in Capernaum – and Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I can do this?”

“Yes, Lord,” they said to him.

“So Jesus touched their eyes and said, “Let it be done to you according to your faith.”

And their eyes were opened.

At that Jesus’ eyes were also opened. He remembered the 2 blind mice from his childhood. He rejoiced because now these 2 blind men could see what those 2 blind mice never saw. Jesus rejoiced because they saw – and what he hoped everyone would see: each other.

He rejoiced because these 2 blind men could see the birds of the air – and all the different kinds of birds – and all the different animals and all their different colors and shades of color. He rejoiced that they could see the color and texture of bread and wine – and their families around the table. He rejoiced because they could see forests and orchards, gates and doors, synagogues and homes. He rejoiced that they could see cats and mice – feet and teeth – tears of joy and tears of sadness.

But what brought the biggest smile to Jesus’ face was that these 2 blind men no longer had to walk along the sides of rooms or houses holding onto the wall as they walked. Nope they could now come center stage – right out in the middle of everything.

He told them not to tell anyone about the healing, but they went out and broadcast it to everyone in the village and area.

This meant more work to Jesus – which he didn’t mind – most of the time. But there were times he had to escape – and hide out like a mouse somewhere, some place, where no one could find him. Amen.