Wednesday, December 23, 2009


you know
the glory of God
in red berries and the glisten
and glow of new cold snow.
May you be surprised in church,
not just with Jesus in the crib and
the cross, the bread and the crowd,
but by 99 quiet babies in cradles
and 1 baby who is crying
till she spots you
and then she starts to laugh.
And may you be there at the
exact moment on Christmas morn,
when children rush in to rip open their gifts
from under the Christmas tree;
but especially
may you always have room
in your Inn for Christ.
O come let us adore him.
O come let us adore him.
Christ the Lord.

© Reflections, 2009, Andy Costello

With your mouse
put the arrow or cursor
on a red berry and tap, tap,
and see those beautiful red berries
in our Marian Garden up close and cold.

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