Wednesday, April 20, 2022

April 20, 2022



He drives his car the way he says Mass.

At least he's consistent.

He turns pages as if he was ripping the page out of the big prayer book on the alr]tar.

He comes to STOP signs - or up behind people - braking fast - heavy and jerkey like ....

He drives fast - very fast - and when he says the Gloria or the Creed, hel'sloud and ahead of evefreyone - not giving anyone a chance to breathe.

I once read a woman author writing  that the priest should say Mass as if he were making love.

She had me there - but I guess we priests say Mass as some men make love. "Slam  bam - Thank you Mam."

Since being a male, since being in the presence of more women than men at Mass, since I wouldn't want to be criticized how I would make love to a wife, since reading that comment, I have tried to say Mass more gently.

Now as it comes to my driving - since driving with speedsters, I have tried to drive more smoothly as well

Gentle ....

Slow down ....

Enjoy the ride ....

Be present ....

So it's a good move for us to look at  how we are when driving, when praying, when eating, when we are doing life - ever so gentle ....

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