Wednesday, September 14, 2022

 September  14, 2022



I was about to head to Florida to take a cruise with some people from our parish - and head for Panama and a few other places.

How does one prepare for a trip - any trip?

What does that question tell about a person?

That triggered a memory of Jack Nicholson packing in the movie, "As Good As It Gets."

I think of Tom who had bought several books on how to pack.

I think of Mom and Dad in Ireland - long before I existed - and before they got married here the states - packing.  I never heard any conversation about that experience.

I think of young people going off to college.

I think of men and women going off to war.

For my trip to Panama and the cruise in the Caribbean, I'll have to make a list of "Things to Do!"

Next came the, "What happens next?" question.

Next came the money question.  How much will I need.

The thought of being a little boy again - and not having enough money for our Altar Boy boat ride up the Hudson River.

I'll figure it out. I always do.

Then the thought: bring a book for journaling.

Will I write the stories - the stories of my life.

I said, "Yes!"

Then the  doubt: "Will I?"

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