Sunday, May 19, 2019

May 27, 2019


Standing there - fifth on line -
at the RETURNS counter
at the Department Store ….
The person - up front -
first for the moment
was yelling - yelling.
Slow …. Slow …. Slow ….
The second person,
then the third and the fourth
with gifts, gloves, skirts,
boxes, boxes, boxes,
started to yell, “Manager!”
“Get a second person
here. Hurry up! It’s all too slow.”
I turned around and walked
out of the store and donated 
a neat blue blazer  - with
sleaves too short for me -
to a begger just outside
the door of the store.
But he yelled at me -
but it was a nice yell:
“Hey! Thanks! Nice!”
And I turned and gave
him a return,
“You’re welcome.”

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2019

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