Monday, February 4, 2019



The title of my homily for this 4th Monday in Ordinary Time  is, “What Is Jesus Saying at Us?”

The key word, the key idea , is AT. Spell it out.  AT - as in “AT Us”. [Point]


I read today’s two readings and the psalm - looking for a sermon thought or a sermon issue for today.

Today’s first reading is very heavy - talking about people being beaten, stabbed, stoned, killed,  and sawed in half. [Cf. Hebrews 11: 32-40.]  In today’s psalm response we have the word, “comfort” and one of these days I’ll preach a sermon about comfort - and our desire to be comfortable. Another interesting topic. [Cf. Psalm 31 refrain: “Let your hearts take comfort, all who hope in the Lord.”]

I spotted in the gospel for today [Mark 5: 1-20] a very interesting statement. Jesus and his disciples go to the other side of the lake. A crazy character approaches Jesus and starts yelling at him.  He had been living in a cemetery - in the middle of a tomb field.  He was a guy who was hard to control. He had to be chained - but he broke free from his shackles many a time.

Seeing Jesus - he screams out, "What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I adjure you by God, do not torment me!"

Then the comment that grabbed me: “Jesus was saying to him, ‘Unclean spirit, come out of the man.’”  Did the man hear him - sense him? Did Jesus hear his own thoughts?


I can somehow connect to this experience.

After weather, sports, Super Bowl,  the number one topic of conversation among people is people - especially the people in our family - especially the people who bother us - annoy us - especially the characters - the crazies.

Someone said something that goes like this, “Dysfunctional people are less than 10% of the people around us - in our lives - but they take up over 90% of our energy and conversations.”

Wow is that true.

Now here’s where I want to go.  Think of a dysfunctional - a bothersome - a PITA  person in our life and come up with the number one ongoing sentence we think - we inwardly whine - we inwardly scream - about that person.

It could even be Jesus’ statement in today’s gospel, ‘Unclean spirit, come out of this person.”

It could be, “I just wish you would give up trying to be in control of the world.”

It could be, “Enough with the suggestions.”

It could be, “Stop the complaining - stop dragging into every conversation - stuff about the president, the church, the parish, the liberals, the conservatives, the young people of today, TV talk shows, etc. etc. etc.

Who is the first person who comes to  mind when I ask you, “Who drains you?” ‘Who always rains on your parade?”

Next what do say inwardly about - and AT  this person - inwardly of course.


What do people say inwardly AT you? 

What do people want you to change?

What  does Jesus secretly say at you - like what he said of this man in today’s gospel?

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