Tuesday, December 11, 2018



The title of my homily for this Second Tuesday in Advent is “Comfort.”

Today’s first reading from Isaiah begins with the word  “comfort” and with that theme: “Comfort, give comfort to my people.”


Growing up we had this neat big down - light brown - blanket - which was called, “The comforter.”

After the radiator, It was the most important thing in the living room - from  December till March.

First come, first serve, unless my older brother could grab and steal it from us. It was one of a kind - and hung around our living room on the couch - rarely folded - because everyone wanted it and used it all the time.

There were also two big dull yellow white wool blankets that were second choices. Besides that they were itchy - but on a cold evening - they were a good choice. We’d be there with the radio on. This was before TV - black and white TV.


Providing comfort for others is a specific - non-verbal - act of charity.

Isn’t it neat to see an airline steward or stewardess providing blankets to folks - after 11 PM - 30,000 feet up - even tucking a dark blue blanket on an old man or old lady in the night?

So too in nursing homes or for  babies in carriages - on cold winter days.

So too hot chocolate in winter or ice cream on summer nights.

Isaiah is saying, “Comfort, give comfort to my people.”

I wonder if the concentration camp bullies - and killers - at Auschwitz - and Buchenwald - never had  parents and grandparents - or families who provided comfort to each other when they were growing up.

How could they make life so horrible for the Jews, the gays, the misfits - made to sleep on wood slats in the concentration camps.


The benches at St. Mary’s are rather uncomfortable.  The pillows here at St. John Neumann have improved. The pillows you’re on now don’t have buttons on them like the ones that we just replaced

Speaking of benches and uncomfortable chairs, I’m waiting for airlines to provide more chair room - rather than less - bigger bathrooms - and then using  those two factors in advertising for that airline.  “Our seats have 37.6 % more seat room than any other airline.”  “Our bathrooms - you can’t take a shower in them - but they have 42.6% more comfort room than any other bathroom in any other airline.”


Think of the lost sheep in today’s gospel. That lost sheep was the 1 in 99 - who has disappeared - and the Good Shepherd - leaves the 99 and goes in search of his lost sheep.

I notice Father Tiz has several doggie blankets for Wilbur.  I don’t know if Wilbur his pug appreciates that TLC - more than treats  - but I would sense that the dog or cat owner - who takes good care of their pets - that that care carries over to how they see homeless and people in the cold.

I hope that carries over to providing hot chocolate in cold weather and oreos and chocolate chip cookies - year round.


My theme has been comfort. I talked mainly about human everyday comforts - but hopefully in doing them for each other, they will  carry over to doing more comforting and caring of each other.

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