Saturday, September 8, 2018

September 7, 2018



The title of my homily is, “The One and the Many.”

Here we are at the beginning of a new school year. I was wondering about what to say today. What do we need at this first high school Mass? Father Tizio said: make it short. It’s hot today.  So for starters, I thought it would be a good idea to say a few words about each one of us as well as all of us: the one and the many.


Take your index finger and put the tip of that finger right here in the center of your forehead and say, “I’m one!”

Now take that same finger and like a windshield wiper point that finger back and forth to everyone here and say, “We are the many. [Do it yourself.]

The title of my homily is, “The One and the Many.”

Get that and you got my homily.


Sometimes we’re the one; sometimes we’re the many.

Sometimes we’re an individual, Josh or Tina,  and sometimes we’re students at St. Mary’s.

Sometimes we’re the one and sometimes we’re the many.

Sometimes we’re Mr. Healy and sometimes we’re the teachers and staff at St. Mary’s.

Sometimes we’re the one and sometimes we’re the many.

Sometimes we’re the quarterback and  sometimes we’re the defensive line or  we’re the people in the stands.

Sometimes we’re the coach and sometimes we’re the referees.

Sometimes we’re the manager at Burger King on West Street and sometimes we’re the young people and adults working behind the counter and the customers in the place.


At the end of the day, why not ask ourselves, “How’d did I do as one person on the planet today? Was it a great day? Did I serve my brothers and sisters well - whether we are a teacher, a member of COSA, a freshman or a senior or  a mom or grandparent talking us to or from school today.

At the end of the day, how’d we do as part of the Many? What are the groups I’m in?  Whom do we picture as part of the many manys I’m in each day. That would include our family, our class or after school?  How many “thank you’s” did I say today?

How was I as a one? How was I as a many?

Many is spelled “M A N Y” -  but being a Dodger fan, the word “many” triggers the other “Manny” - on the Dodgers - thanks to the Orioles. The Manny is doing well for us, but we just fell out  of first place again - thanks to the dang Mets - Father Tiz’s team - and this one priest, our pastor,  was rubbing it in to this one me.

The we called the Dodgers are going to have to step it up - in the coming September run and rush for the World Series and do it as a many. We almost did it last year - losing right at the end.

I’m one of many priests on the planet doing my life - and we’ve had some bad publicity lately because some ones in our midst messed up - mostly in the past - but bad news, sin, bad behavior has consequences for the Many.


We reflect on life as a someone.

How do we see ourselves as part of the many?

What do I offer the different groups I am part of?

What are my unique gifts?

St. Paul in one of his letters  said we’re like a human body. Some of us are good listeners - all ears. Some of us are handy.  Some of us are good as “goers” and “getters”. We’re good on our feet. Some of us are all heart. Some of us are brainy - future engineers and teachers.  Some of us are great see-ers - asking questions about what’s missing or what could be improved.

Our theme for the year is a prayer to the Lord: “Open my eyes, Lord.”

Looking at myself - what is this one called me - good at?  Am I then a doer or a don’t er - and if I’m a don’ter, then am I complainer?

How do I see myself?

One of the purposes of a school is to learn about working together as a many - a team, a play, a class - as well as shining as a one.

We come together and rub shoulders and ideas and jokes and healthy digs and share laughter as a many - and then we reflect upon what’s happening inside this one mind and one personality called me.

We are in families - a many - but we’re also a one in that same family: the oldest, the youngest, the one, the dog bringer outer, the dish washer, the comedian, the saint, the trouble maker, the forgiver, the suggester.


Look for a metaphor for a school - I thought of a playground. We have one just at the bottom of the street across the street from us. I haven’t been in a playground in a while, but one can learn as much as we can wherever we’re playing.  Sometimes life is a slide. Sometimes life is a climbing up and down experience.  Sometimes we’re on a see saw, up and down, up and down, balancing life with another.  Sometimes we’re in a sandpit digging away - building and knocking down and building up again.

We’re one; we’re many in the playgrounds of life. How do I see school? How do I see life? How do I see my role on this planet?


Life is a school - we learn life one by one - with the many.

Hopefully we learn respect - which has the word spect in it - that we learn to respect the one’s around us - one by one.

Hopefully we learn the golden rule - do to others what we would like for ourselves. And don’t do to others the things that bug us from others.

Hopefully we learn the magic short, short sentences of life: I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I forgive you. Thank you. Nice smile. Nice move. Help? Can I do anything? How’s it going? You go first.

The more each one learns the good stuff as an individual - then the more the  many benefits.


I think that’s enough as a starter for this new year. These are the thoughts of one person - to you the many. Amen.

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