Saturday, March 24, 2018


This coming week is Holy Week.

In many ways it’s self-explanatory.  What would it be like to invite 5 people up to the pulpit and have them explain what this week means to them? If you were one of the 5, what day would you say hits you the most?

In other words, each person would tell us which of the 4 Key Days of this coming week is their favorite: Palm Sunday or Easter Sunday, Holy Thursday of Good Friday.  Which one is our favorite?

Palm Sunday: It's the type of day when everything is fine. Everything is celebration - even if we’re riding on a donkey instead of a Mercedes or a BMW.  Everyone is raising their palms and waving to us, “Hi!”

Holy Thursday: It's a day when we’re enjoying a great meal with our family and friends. It’s Thanksgiving or it’s Christmas Dinner. It’s our anniversary or our birthday. It's a day when someone is washing our feet or doing our toe nails. It's a day when we realize all the people who are giving their life to and for us. They are saying with word and example: this is my body, this is my blood, I’m giving my life in sacrifice to and for you.

Good Friday: this my favorite. The 7 last messages of Christ are spoken to us personally. We gain inner peace because we hear Christ say to us from the Cross: “Father forgive you, for you really didn’t know what you were doing.” Or our dad or mom is dying in hospice or in the hospital and we hear them saying to God, “Into your hands, O God, I give you my spirit.”  Or we’re walking the way of the cross and Mary, the mother of Jesus comes to our aid - or a Simon is there to help us.

Easter Sunday: is the type of day when the darkness disappears. It's a recovery day. It's  a discovery day. We've experienced a painful death or a tough funeral of a loved one. Jesus overwhelms us - like Jesus coming through the walls of our inner room. We experience a Niagara Falls of a waterfall that washes away all our hurt and we say to God, “Mom, dad, or my child or spouse is in a better place. I believe in resurrection, Easter and new life. Thank you Jesus.”

The title of my brief  homily is "Holy Week" and I’m asking: which if these 4 days is our favorite: Today Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, Good Friday or Easter Sunday? Amen.

1 comment:

Mary Joan said...

Prayerful thoughts for Holy Week .

Thank you .