Friday, November 3, 2017

November 3, 2017


Sitting there, waiting for my plane,
in an airplane terminal, I began
listening to two men in the seats
just behind me. One said, “I used
to be a Catholic - but then I realized
I don’t believe in things like priests
and sacraments and all that religious
stuff.” Silence. Silence. Silence.

“Well,” the other man said, “I used
to be an atheist - but then I realized
we are all priests and we're all called 
to give and to receive the body and 
blood - of Christ - and all of creation - 
with all of creation - which we are 
all part of each and every day.”

“It was as simple as that,” he continued.
I had been baptized as a baby - but
standing at the sacrament of the ocean
one Sunday morning - all by myself, all
changed. It was 6 AM, July 4th, 1999.
The round bread of the sun was rising
and I ran into the water and was baptized
into who I was in the first place - but
sorry to say, I had forgotten all of this.”
Silence. Silence, Silence, Silence.

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

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