Sunday, October 29, 2017

October 29, 2017


The black grand piano sat there closed.
It hadn’t made music for a good 7 years.
Dusted? Yes. Played? No. Then mom died.
The black grand piano stayed - closed.

Dad died 7 years ago. Before he died,
mom only played pieces he loved. 
He was her favorite audience of one.
He would close his eyes - and just listen.

The piano was sold - bought - tuned.... The new
owner sat down on the piano stool - ready to 
play “Moonlight Sonata” on a summer’s eve. 
It was her childhood go to special piece. 

She closed her eyes and all she could feel
was death - death and silent music. The black 
and white keys were silent and still in mourning.
She prayed a prayer like a prayer before meals.

She began playing. People on the street - a new
audience - stopped when they heard the music.
They were hearing resurrection and religion and sonatas coming out the open third story window.

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

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