Sunday, September 17, 2017

September 17, 2017


There’s something about the coast
that grabs some people - while others
live out there with highways and towns
and cities as the edges of their existence.
Where were you born? What is the coast
of your where?  Where are you now?
I’ve lived much of my life on the edge
of water: the Atlantic Ocean, Spa Creek,
the Hudson, Lac La Belle, Wisconsin.
Do babies remember the sound and the
feeling of the fluid in their mother’s belly?
Do children love bathtubs, pools, hoses -
any water that reminds them of being
on the edge, the coast of their existence?

 © Andy Costello, Reflections  2017
Song Galway Bay, images of the coast
of Galway, Ireland where both
my parents are from.

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