Thursday, June 15, 2017


          give me the grace
          and give me the gift to be able:

          to see and to hear both sides
                    of an argument,
          to know when to give another space
                    and when to intervene,
                    to step back or to step in,
                    to speak or to listen,
                    to know which one is best
                    for any given situation,
          to know when to let go
                    and when to hang on,
          to be stubborn as a bulldog
                    or to run away like a deer,
          to work hard and then to know
                    when it’s time to play
                    and when it’s time to rest,
          to know when to serve
                    and when to be served,
          to know when to mix
                    and when to be alone,
          to know when to be like rock
                    and when to be like water,
          knowing that you are with me
          and with all others,
          this day and every day,
          all the days of our life. Amen.

© Andy Costello, Prayers in the Meanwhile

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