Thursday, October 6, 2016

October 5, 2016


When at the end of your rope -
don’t unravel. To make a joke -
don’t get hung up. Say a prayer!
Tie a knot! And hang on for dear life.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2016

1 comment:

Mary joan said...

I couldn't agree more !!

When I was a young nursing student , I met a young man , patient .He was a great observer of the student nurses ……
for multiple reasons . :o)

He would tell us to " hang on " when he noticed the tension and seriousness of the situations we were part of .
( In those days patients were kept in the hospital thru out their tests , etc. )

I held onto that thought all of my life as difficult situations tumbled in ! I think of him and am thankful I met him .
" Hang on " has been my mantra .