Monday, October 3, 2016

October 3, 2016


October doesn’t get that much ink
from poets - or if it does - I’ve missed it.

Maybe it’s from where one stands or
what one’s doing - back to school -
serious work - high energy - catch up
stuff after summer and September -
and not enough time for poems or
pondering deeper things like frost and
the sight and sound of dead leaves.

Hints of things to come - cold rain -
winds - leaves changing here in
the north of the northern hemisphere -
but not yet - Indian Summer - always
an oasis - put back the sweaters and
the flannel shirts - don’t even think
of scarves or gloves or hats - yet.

October - here’s some ink - I’ve always
seen you as the best month of the mix.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2016

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