Wednesday, August 24, 2016


[This is called “The People Litany”. Here are  33 things we people do. If you accept - acknowledge - agree to any one of them - and you will try to keep these things going, vote with a voiced “Amen” which means “Yes!” to that reality.]

People meet together. Amen!
People greet each other. Amen!
People cooperate. Amen!
People educate.   Amen!
People keep secrets. Amen!
People build trust in our relationships.  Amen!
People make mistakes.  Amen!
People say, "I'm sorry. I made a mistake." Amen!
People forgive. Amen!
People build and protect families. Amen!.
People eat with each other.   Amen!
People clap for others. Amen!
People acknowledge each other. Amen!
People listen for feelings underneath words. Amen!
People say, “Thank you” a lot. Amen
People change  Amen!

People grow. Amen!
People pray. Amen!
People respect people. Amen!
People create. Amen!
People speak with hands and eyes when ears don't work.  Amen!
People watch and learn from each other. Amen!
People read. Amen!
People do dumb. Amen!
People do smart. Amen!
People sing, dance and make music. Amen!
People celebrate birthdays and anniversaries. Amen!
People hopefully use rocks to build bridges not walls. Amen!
People challenge and ask questions. Amen!
People take time for old people. Amen!
People take time for young people.  Amen!
People make time for each other. Amen!
People improve things for those after them. Amen!
People sacrifice!   Amen! 

© Andy Costello, Prayers 2016

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