Tuesday, June 14, 2016

June 14, 2016


Obviously, it’s easier to talk about
someone than to talk to that someone.

Obviously, long before cellphones,
people have been talking to others inside
their mind all day long and all the time -
even when they are with someone else.

Obviously, long before phone cameras, 
people have been taking selfies in every
mirror as well as every shiny surface
they are walking past.

Obviously, strange people get avoided.
As a result, people avoid them even more. Then they become odder and odder.  Then
people avoid them even more and more.

Obviously, when we speak up, we can
expect consequences, as well as some
inconvenient requests for help. So
some people never speak up. Nope -
they just sit there with a soul smirk and
an inward smile - seeing us as, "Stupid!" 

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2016

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