Thursday, May 7, 2015

May 6, 2015


All of us are looking and searching
          for a vision center,
          for the answer
          to the question
          of the meaning of our lives.

So we go to temples,
          book stores,
          buying fads,
          trying movements,
          looking for answers
          to our quest,
          looking for the Way,
          the Truth and the Life.

Some of us think the center is
          Washington, Moscow or Beijing,
          Mecca, Rome or Jerusalem,
          Paris, Hollywood or New York City,
          always searching
          for the center of life,
          fashion, style, money,
          politics, power, dance,
          forgetting that the veil
          of the temple
          has been cut in two,
          forgetting that the kingdom
          of God is within.

Some of us stop along the highway
          at those buildings marked,
          “Adult Books and Movies,”
          “For Mature Audiences Only,”
          and only years later
          come out wondering
          what maturity
          and being an adult
          is all about.

All of us then are tiny ships
          making for harbors
          in the night,
          leaving at dawn and
          launching out into the deep,
          lowering our nets
          for a catch,
          for the Center.

All of us keep looking.
          Wise men and women,
          following the star,
          journeying towards

          the Center of the Universe. 

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