Sunday, April 12, 2015

April 12, 2015


How do you feel:
when you cross a river,
when somebody says you messed up,
when you're in a funeral parlor,
when you’re in the woods
when a tractor trailer is too close,
when it’s your birthday,
when the telephone rings,
when you hear a motorcycle at midnight,
when you see somebody in a wheel chair,
when you see a pregnant woman,
when you notice a tree budding,
when you hear the words, "capital punishment",
when you hear the word, "sex"
when you hear the word "abortion"
when you hear soft music,
when you graduate,
when an ambulance goes by,
when you see a sail boat
when someone brings you ice cream,
when certain songs come on the radio,
when it rains in the spring.
when you are eating an apple,
when you see a horse in a high green grass field,
when someone you hate walks into the room,
when you see someone who just lost a loved one,
when you see the ocean,
when you see blood,
when you see a rose,
when you see a baby's fingers or toes?

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2015

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