Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April 1, 2015


God, I'm no fool.
I know there’s a me.
I know that when I’m talking to another
and they ask me a question about what
I just said – and I give them an answer.
I know there's a me when I’m hurting from something as small as a canker sore 
on my lower lip – or when I have an itch.

So God, I know there’s a me.

God, I’m no fool.
I know there’s a You
because I'm know we're all too small 
to touch a star, but there they are. 
I know there's a Creator because none of us
came up with the idea of creating and making a hippo or a mosquito but there they are. They exist.
So when I come up with questions like:
Who made that? Who dreamed up moths?
Who made you and you and you?
And what in world am I doing being here?

So God, it's then I know there’s a You.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2015

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