Monday, March 23, 2015



The title of my homily for this Monday in the 5th  Week of Lent is, “Rock Throwing.”

Sex sells. Sex opens eyes and ears. Sex triggers questions and wonderments. Sex is how we got here. Sex is in today’s First Reading and today’s gospel.


In today’s first reading from the Prophet Daniel we have the story of Susanna and the two dirty old men – both of whom are Peeping Toms with lots of lust. [Daniel 13:41ff.]

They try to seduce her. They can’t pull it off. They fabricate a tale about Susanna. She goes to trial. They try to get her killed. She ends up being saved by the prophet Daniel – and the two men end up being executed.

Great story – that has lasted down to this day!


Today’s Gospel – obviously paired with the first story for today. It has the woman saved by the Prophet Jesus and the rock throwers put down their weapons of woman destruction.[John 8:1-11]


You heard both stories.  What is the message for you?

I like the message from the gospel: “Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”

I hate the joke about a stone flying through the air – and hitting the woman and Jesus saying, “Mother.”

But paradoxically I do like the joke because it tells me that people know the story about not throwing stones and the story about Mary being without sin.

I also like the comment that those who put down their stones are the oldest at first. That tells me that sins – and then forgiveness – is understood the older we are – hopefully.

We can also add that women’s rights are improving – slowly around the world – compared to the women in both these stories. Yet still read in the papers and women being beaten and killed for sexual behavior and men get away with similar behavior.


A side point.  I have learned from listening to a lot of people – that the one person who doesn’t drop their stone – is ourselves. 

Many people hit themselves their whole lives for mistakes made – especially sins of the flesh.


Drop the stones.

Stop and drop judging others.

Be understanding.

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