Tuesday, January 20, 2015

January 19, 2015


Some psychiatrist said that today,
January 19th, is the most depressing
day of the year. Is that true?  Has that
been your experience? It hasn’t been mine.

Did that psychiatrist  come up with
a questionnaire? Or even this one question:
“What would you list as the most
depressing day of the year for you?"

I don’t like snow – and ice –
and crummy driving conditions –
and it’s darker and grayer in January
in the Northern Hemisphere.

Then again January 19th might be
a great wonderful day in Tampa or
the islands – and then again, kids
love snow – and adults too at times.

Now I have a sort of joke and sort of
an honorary, Ph. D. so I’d answer the
question, “What’s the most depressing
day of the year for me this way:

It all depends on who told me they love
me lately. It might depend on prunes,
or seeing my kid star in a play or having
a good breakfast with a good friend or friends.

The most depressing day of the year could
be the loss of a spouse or the loss of God,
but then again – there’s falling in love
and experiencing the Love of God.

© Andy Costello
Reflections 2105

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