Sunday, August 10, 2014



The title of my homily for this 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)  is, “Faithie.”  [Spell it out]  F A I T H I E. “Faithie”.

You’ve heard the word, “selfie” – meaning a picture one takes of oneself – usually at arm’s length - usually with one’s cell phone camera. Then it’s sent around one’s world.

I had a wedding a few months back. For weddings I ask couples to fill out answers to 15 questions. It helps me with the homily for the wedding. Well, this one bride described her guy as a “bestie” - as in best friend.

However,  I thought she wrote “beastie” and I’m using that word “beastie” in my homily – and getting a few laughs - till the bride finally yells across the sanctuary to me – it’s “bestie” as in, you’re being a “jerky”.  Then she elbowed her about-to-be-husband and yelled out, “He’s my bestie.”  She gave the “bestie” sermon.

So I said, “Ooops, I’m sorry. Dumb!” and then added, “Never heard the word ‘bestie’ before.”

Well, upon hearing these two new words, “selfie” and “bestie,” I wondered to myself, “What would be a good word to describe someone who believes – someone with faith?”

How about a “believie” or a “beliefie”?  Do I use the noun or the verb – using “f” or “v” – as in belief or believe.

I checked on line to see if anyone has used those words.  I actually found words like “believie” and “beliefie” – but they weren’t anywhere near  with what I was trying to come up with.

Then I thought: how about a “faithie” – a person with faith? I did find that word on Google – as the familiar name for someone whose first name is “Faith”.

So I decided that the title of my homily is, “Faithie” – a person with faith.

Maybe by using this possible new made up word – I could be the one who gave birth to a new word that  makes its way all around our  world?

Hey you never know….

I’ll put it on my blog and see if I can get it rolling.

I tried to get the wave going at a ball game once. It didn’t take. It didn’t succeed. So I sat down disappointed.  Yet, I tried …. So think about it: a “faithie” is a person with faith – a person who believes. Spread the word.


Ask someone at work this week: “Are you a faithie?”

I assume all of us here at Mass are “faithies.”

Question: Do you identify yourself as a person of faith?

Question: Do people at work or neighbors see you as a person of faith?

How about Catholic - one who practices her or his faith?

And what would that mean for them and for you?  Does having faith – practicing one’s faith – being a Catholic – make a difference in how you act and are in life?

For the sake of transparency, I did notice on line the word, “faithiest” as opposed to “atheist”.

What does it mean to be a faitheist or a “faithie”?


Back in 2005 in Ireland a lady named Marian Mulhall came up with the idea of a “Catholic identity Card.”

I noticed this in John Allen’s book on The Future Church – in a chapter on Evangelical Catholicism. [1]

In that chapter he lines up 3 types of Christians – and he says you can find all 3 in Catholicism: Mainline Liberalism – Evangelicalism and Pentecostalism.  

Those 3 labels might be a bit clumsy or technical and maybe “gick” up or sidetrack my sermon.

Let me say this much about those terms – to flesh out a few ideas a bit – on what it means to be a faithie.

I have seen what John Allen means in parish life. All 3 are found in Catholics – and sometimes it seems each expression of faith can make the other a bit uneasy – as if people have sandpaper skin on that day. We can rub each other the wrong way.

John Allen talks about these 3 attitudes and outlooks  and stresses this way.

In Mainline Liberalism church and culture are a two-way street. Let’s work together to help this world and its peoples work.  The new doesn’t have to clash with the old. This was what we heard loud and clear in late 60’s to the mid-1980’s – after Vatican II.

For those with stress Evangelicalism, the goal is to make a bold proclamation of timeless truths with nerve. The goal is to try to convert the world and what’s happening in it. With John Paul II Catholicism became more evangelical. Modern culture – society - and politics are challenged more than accommodating to it.

In Pentecostalism there is a stress on spiritual experience rather than doctrine. The goal is to  set the world on fire – with the Spirit of Christ.

If you see yourself as a faithie, which of the 3 would be more you?

Margaret Mulhall – whom I mentioned above as someone who is pushing Catholic Identity cards is  described as a communications executive in Ireland. She would  be more evangelical. She’s a Catholic – like most of Ireland – but the numbers are slipping. She figured  her card idea could be a moneymaker as well as a challenge. The card  would  cost $45.  It would be plastic – the size of a credit card – with one’s name on it. It would have a picture of the pope on it – as well as a holographic icon showing a priest’s hands breaking the Eucharistic Bread.  It would state, “I am a Catholic. In the event of an accident or emergency, please contact a priest.”

Please call the other priests here at St. Mary’s. Smile.

If anyone here is as old as I am, you’ll remember we had cardboard calling cards like that years ago – for free – no charge. And I remember the jokes as well – maybe even from George Carlin: “I am a very important Catholic, in case of an accident, please call a monsignor.”

The title of my homily is “Faithie”. It describes someone with faith, someone who believes.

What does having faith mean? 

It would mean one believes in God. If one is a Catholic it would mean one grasps and says the Creed – either the Apostles Creed or the Nicean Creed.

It would mean one tries on a daily basis – and not just on Sunday – to practice the great commandment to love the Lord our God with our whole heart, mind, soul and spirit and to love our neighbor as ourselves.

At weddings and funerals – I often run into people who have dropped out of church – but seeing a priest, they often say, “I’m spiritual.”

I assume telling a priest this – they are saying all sorts of things – like I used to go to church – or I feel guilty right now – being in a church for this wedding or funeral – but I pray at times – or I believe in God – but I sort of slackened off - but I still consider myself sort of a Christian or a faith person.

I feel good when people tell me this – because it means something. I assume they are feeling faithie, churchie, spiritualie, guilty, or something in one of these areas – and the wedding or funeral triggered religious feelings and faith stuff.


Todays 3 readings trigger faith stuff.

The first reading from 1 Kings 19 talks about Elijah – who’s on the run – being hunted down the king and queen -  Ahab and  Jezebel – who want to kill him for challenging them – with God messages.

And Elijah has a God experience on a mountain – standing there near a cave. He experiences God not as a heavy wind, an earthquake or a fire, but as a tiny whispering sound.

Many people have God screams when they are hit with hurricanes, earthquakes, fires. You can hear them saying, “Oh my God. Oh no. Oh my God. Help!”

Some people experience God in faith caves.

Another question: do you have a faith place. You’ve heard of man caves – do you have a “faithie cave”?

I used to see my dad praying quietly down in our cellar. A friend of mine changed his garage into a small chapel – and neighbors used to ask to use it. People come here to the Eucharistic chapel. It’s their “faithie cave”. Down through the years I’ve seen people in many dark churches – quietly praying – and I assume they are hearing what Elijah heard: the tiny whispering sound of God.  I remember a guy who used to come on retreat every year when I was stationed in a retreat house in the Poconos. He had been a professional football player – so I knew who he was.  He once said to me, “I supposed you’ve seen me sitting all alone in the back bench of the chapel.” I said, “No I didn’t.” I lied. Then he said, “I do that because that’s where my mom sat in our parish church. She’d sit in that back bench every afternoon and say a prayer for me – and she prayed me back to church after I was away for twenty years of so.

What are your God experiences? Where are your “faithie” caves?

Today’s second reading from Romans 9: 1-5 begins with conscience questions – and many people experience the need and the inner scream for God in those moments. “Come Holy Spirit! Help me. Help me. Help me.”

That could be deep faith challenges for oneself – or about one’s family or one’s kids – when others drop out of what we believe in very strongly. We’ve worshipped with them. We had them baptized into the covenant – as Paul puts it. We brought or bought Catholic education for them – but – it all but disappeared.

Today’s gospel from Matthew 14: 22-33 - talks about Jesus going to his prayer cave in the mountains – while his disciples are making their way across the lake – and a storm hits them. What now? What next?

The 4 gospels have variations on this scene – and you’ve heard jokes and comments about Jesus walking on the water – you just have to know where the stones are – but it’s not a joke – it’s the church in every age. There are times when we have to make lake crossings and there are times when there are storms – and we need the Lord in our boat – especially in the big storm – going across the waters of life – from this shore – to the other unsure sure – is there life after death.

The obvious message is that we need to scream out at those times like Peter, “Lord save me!” and even if Jesus says to us, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt” – still scream it out. And then say the great act of faith, “Truly, you are the Son of God.”


This is not the “bestie” of my sermons – but it is an attempt at some reflections on what it is to be a “faithie”.



[1] John Allen, The Future Church, How Ten Trends Are Revolutionizing The Catholic Church, Doubleday, 2009.

Here are the 10 Trends and 10 Chapters:

Trend One: A World Church

Trend Two: Evangelical Catholicism

Trend Three: Islam

Trend Four:  The New Demography

Trend Five: Expanding Lay Roles

Trend Six: The Biotech Revolution

Trend Seven: Globilization

Trend Eight: Ecology

Trend Nine: Multipolarism

Trend Ten Pentecostalism

Trends that Aren't Catholicism in the Twenty-First Century

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