Wednesday, August 21, 2013



A reading from the Gospel of  Matthew 12: 9-14.

Jesus left that place and entered their synagogue. 

A man was there with a withered hand. 

They asked Jesus, “Is it lawful to cure on the Sabbath?” 

They were looking for something to accuse him of. 

He said to them, “Suppose one of you has only one sheep and it falls into a pit on the Sabbath, wouldn’t you grab hold of it and lift it out? How much more valuable is a human being than a sheep! So it is lawful to do good on the Sabbath."  

Then he said to the man, “Stretch out your hand and it was restored, as sound as the other. 

But the Pharisees went out and conspired against him, how to destroy him.


The title of my homily is, “Every Person Matters.”


As you know every new school year here at St. Mary's a theme is chosen for that year.

This year the theme is: “Every Person Matters.”

In a recent issue of the parish bulletin, Father John Tizio had the following in a letter to the parish:

“I share the above with you because of our parish theme for the upcoming year; ‘Every Person Matters.’ This theme was the message in the Installation Mass of Pope Francis on the Feast of St. Joseph on March 19th of this year and is the theme of his pontificate. Every person matters. It is the simple reality as the foundation of the church, of our stewardship and of our outreach. That is the root of all of our Catholic social teachings, all of our moral teachings. Pope Francis said the following:

“It means protecting people, showing loving concern for each and every person, especially children, the elderly, those in need, the one who are often the last we think about. It means caring for one another in our families: husband and wives first protect one another, and then, as parents, they care for their children, and children themselves, in time, protect their parents. It means building sincere friendships in which we protect one another in trust, respect, and goodness. In the end, everything has been entrusted to our protection, and all of us are responsible for it. Be protectors of God’s gifts!”

You can find that on our parish web site - and I’m going to put this homily on my blog.  It matters.

I suggest - because everyone of you matters - that you tattoo message: "Every Person Matters" on the inside  side of your forehead -  the side facing your brain - the part only you see.  Ooops! You can't see that. But you see what I mean - I hope!

“Every person matters.”

That would be a good sign for each classroom - and blackboard.

Let's begin practicing that motto as individuals, staff, teachers, workers here at St. Mary’s.

If we really believe that message - we will matter - because everyone will sense our respect for them. The proof will be when we practice what we believe.


A woman once came to Gandhi and asked him to see her son because she thought he was eating too much candy. Gandhi asked her to come back in a month - with the same request. The woman came back in a month and repeated her request. He said, “Let’s go see your son.” He talked to the son and told him what his mom was worried about - health, weight, diet, eating better food. The son listened to Gandhi and cut down on the candy. The mother saw Gandhi a while later and said, “Thanks! It's working!”  but then she asked, “Why didn’t you want to see him right away?” Gandhi answered, “Well, I wanted to see if I could do it myself for a month.” 

It’s a good story. It’s the stuff of legend. I also heard the story of Mohammad - but "Gandhi" and "candy" sound better together.

There are dozens of statements about, “Practicing what we’re preaching.”  We teach 96.7% by who we are and only 3.3% by what we say. [I don't know if that's true but it sounds good to me.]

We all have heard the saying: “Do what I say, not what I do,” We know the reality is that people “Do what we do and not what we say.” We are repeat performances. As Yogi Berra put it: "We are deja vu all over again."


If you saw the movie "42" this spring or summer - a story about Jackie Robinson, you’ll remember the scene when the Dodgers were in Cincinnati and the fans are screaming the N word at # 42 Jackie Robinson. They are also making all kinds of treats at Pee Wee Reese - who was from next door Kentucky. A young boy is standing there in the stands watching the whole scene. He’s also watching his dad scream the N word etc. at Jackie Robinson etc. and threats at Pee Wee Reese - and then the kid starts yelling the same stuff. And Pee Wee Reese goes over to first base and stands next to Jackie Robinson and they raise their hands up united or show some gesture of solidarity.  And the camera focuses on the kid - what next?

Every person matters.

Who is every person? They are the principal, cleaning crew, kitchen staff, the pain in the butt mother of the kid who is never wrong, - but everyone else is?

Every person matters.

Every person is worthy of respect, a fair hearing, a good name, that there be no snide gossip behind their back, or under cover of the back of one’s hand [Gesture].

Every person matters.

No physical or verbal bullying allowed - kids with kids,
adults with kids, kids with adults, adults with adults.


I chose today’s gospel - because it summarizes it all. A person is worth more than a dumb sheep - which anyone would rescue if it fell down a pit - on any day of the week - including the Sabbath.

The story also tells us a key reason why they wanted to kill Jesus.

Jesus challenges us to see every person as someone who matters - including "Buckwheat" who walks the streets of Annapolis with black plastic bags picking up garbage in McDonalds and Burger King parking lots - as well as that  tall guy with the caked dirt brownish bluish jeans - and the beard who also walks Annapolis every day - as well as Mr. Speedo - including the traffic ticket givers whom I dislike - especially on Sunday morning - and to be transparent I never got a ticket.

Every person matters.

I picture Jesus standing there watching a crowd watching someone pulling a dumb sheep out of a pit on the Sabbath. Everyone clapped when the sheep was rescued - except the Pharisees and the Law Keepers.

I picture Jesus standing there one day - watching with amazement at a flock of sparrows - flying, diving, making great moves and maneuvers in the sky - better than Blue Angels over Nazareth - and he says, “You know what, people are worth more than a whole flock of sparrows.


I once visited the home of an Italian guy in Trenton New Jersey. I had just given a talk on making a weekend retreat in his parish, St. Joachim’s - and I was sitting in his living room with him and his wife, Philomena.

I noticed a cabinet in the corner - with glass shelves that contained a whole collection of porcelain birds. I asked him, “What’s the story with the birds?” He said, “They’re Boehm birds.”  He got up and opened up the glass cabinet and took one out and handed it to me.

As he is doing that he said he makes them.

“Wow I said, “How much are they?” I figured maybe $45 or 55 dollars.

He says, “That one sells for about $1400.”

I quickly and carefully handed it back to him.

He then told the story that he had a little convenience story that sold newspapers and stuff in Trenton. He made on the side plates with images of Trenton on them and sold them. “Well, he said, “Mr. Boehm dropped in one day and spotted my plates and asked to see one. Then he asked, 'Who made the plates?' I said, 'I do.' Well, Mr. Boehm said, “Want a job at my plant. I make porcelain birds.”

Anthony also said he helped make the $27,000 or so porcelain Eagle that President Nixon brought to China.

At that moment I understand Jesus’ words: You are worth more than a whole flock of sparrows - as well as eagles and hawks. [Cf. Matthew 10:31]


I love Monday night and Wednesday afternoon here at St. Mary’s. The poor show up at our door. Our St. Vincent de Paul Society - with donations for our parishioners help lots of folks - with energy bills, etc.

Sometimes I think wrong thoughts: Why don’t these folks take the energy to get here for help use that energy and enterprise to get a job?

Ooops. I haven't walked in their shoes. I haven't heard their story. 

What's the matter?

That's why I need to hear the message: Every person matters - no matter what I think.

Sometimes I don’t practice what  I preach.

Sometimes I don’t think some people matter.

What changes and challenges me every time is the way they are treated by a whole host of volunteers here at St. Mary's who help these folks. They treat them well - and hopefully it all rubs off on them - that they go out and treat others well - and that I get it.

What changes me is when I see all the teachers and nurses and hard workers of our world - who give their best to the rest of us.


So I believe every motto for every year helps.

This year I think this year’s motto will matter much more - the more we put it into practice. Amen.

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