Thursday, December 20, 2012


“Ero Cras!”
“Ero” - Latin future tense
for “I will be”.
“Cras” - Latin word
for “tomorrow”.
it's Latin phrase for
“I will be there tomorrow.”

Wait a minute!
Are you saying
the world is going to end
tomorrow, December 21, 2012?

No - I’m saying that Christ
will come again today, 
tomorrow and again 
and again and then at the End.

An acrostic, an acronym -
each letter standing for
the first letter of a Latin word
describing “Christ”.

Way back before they
had TV and techy stuff,
that had time to write
things like “O Come,
O Come, Emmanuel” -
listing 7 titles for Jesus - 
with those 7 letters in Latin 
of “ERO CRAS.”

E -  Emmanuel - Jesus God is with us.
R -  Rex - Jesus is King of the Gentiles.
O - Oriens - Jesus is Orient - the morning light.
C - Clavis Jesus is the Key.
R - Radix - Jesus is the Root of Jesse.
A - Adonai - Jesus is Leader.  
S - Sapientia - Jesus is Wisdom.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2012

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