Wednesday, February 29, 2012


The tree 
didn’t scream
the day it died, when
the farmer chain sawed it -
slicing it close to the ground -
a clean cut - compared to
what his father felt that day
he was axed - and fell dead -
after many, many hacks.
The pain of winters - cold
cold winters - the standing there
in the sun of so many summers - 
hot hot summers which prepared 
him for this day - the day he died - 
but he knew it was nothing 
compared to those who died 
hung on trees
and to that day the nails were
driven into his hands -
and into his feet - and the spit
remained on his left leg 
till it dried along with his blood
and then he too died,
but then again
there is Spring.

© Andy Costello, Reflections, 2012

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