Tuesday, October 13, 2009


To share the moon with a thousand eyes
on a bright night like this,
knowing that millions, billions,
own this moon. It’s ours.
Do people on porches,
people walking their dog,
people closing their curtains
and their eyes for the night,
wonder is anyone else thinking
what I’m thinking as I’m looking at this moon?
Does a full moon make everyone different?
Does a full moon make everyone quiet?
Does everyone still feel the amazement
that some of us walked on this moon,
stuck flags on it, spent hours on it,
and then had to leave. Yet, like tourists
and travelers, took a few small rocks home
as souvenirs.
Do those few who think the moon landings
were a hoax really think that?
Do some see the Eucharist in the Moon
bringing together everyone in communion?

© Andy Costello, Reflections, 2009

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