Saturday, September 17, 2022

 September  17, 2022

Thought for Today

"Waits at the window wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door."

John Lennon and Paul McCartney

Eleanor Rigby (song)

Friday, September 16, 2022



The title of my homily for this  23 Friday in Ordinary Time  is a question  - a short two word question – a throw away mantra – entitled – “But if?” and to use it in many conversations.

But if …. That’s it. To use that - and say that - in many situations. “But if?

For example:: But if Christ did not rise from the dead, then that’s it.

Might as well pack up and toss all our hopes, all our assumptions, into the ocean and at some point die – because that’s it. That’s all folks.

But if Christ rises from the dead – then that’s it – that’s all. We win. We live forever.

If – the word appears 7 times in today’s first reading – in both the Greek – with the short 2 letter word EI – and the English translation of EI is also a two letter word: IF.

Paul in today’s first reading – 1 Corinthians 15: 12-20 – sums it all up with just those 2 words: BUT IF – without using the word “BUT”.

But if we read today’s 1st reading carefully, then we get the but – and the if.

Come to think about if: we’re living our whole lives on that one word if. If we unpack it – and see it – and reflect upon it, if contains all life’s implications – that is if we ask life’s questions.

Paul gives us his 7 if’s in today’s first reading – starting with: “If Christ is not raised from the dead, then we are not raised when we die.

But if Christ is raised the dead – then our preaching  - then our faith – then all the testimony  - about Christ – rising from the dead – is a relief. It changes everything.

But if – we don’t buy it – then as Paul puts it – we fall asleep and perish forever.

But if – by faith  - we believe Christ has been raised – then we can be a we that also rises  – because of Christ.

I was wondering last night when I read this reading, why I don’t remember using it at funerals. I will from now on.

Conclusion: Take your rosary and  say 59 times – “But if” -  on each bead and see where that takes you. Amen.

 September 16,  2022



The theme for a talk on "Buttons" keeps hitting me.

What are your buttons?

What are my buttons?

So and so was cheated on, divorced, dumped by her husband. She wasn't too happy as I sat next to her at a 50th Wedding Anniversary.

She might have had an extra drink too many.

I don't know, but she was voicing various angry comments.

Someone in the car - while driving home - commented on her behavior and said, "Maybe she had a drink too many - or maybe she was seeing a marriage that worked and it triggered thoughts about her marriage that didn't work."

I don't know. I didn't think about any of that at the wedding.

I was looking at the oil and vinegar jars at the table for our salad. They reminded me of those small glass cruets they have on tables with pancake syrup.

Every time I looked at those glass cruets, they brought back memories of taking pancake syrup without thinking. It was 4 months ago. That's when I found out I had diabetes Type 2.  My mind felt ugly. The side of my head went dizzy. I remembered the last time I had a double scoop of rum raisin and butter almond ice cream.

That pancake syrup was a button.

It triggered the story of F. X. Murphy pulling out of our house in Washington D.C. The bumper of his car got entangled on the long chain that our dog Bernadette was wearing around her neck - attached to a tree. He drove about 6 blocks before he noticed people beeping and signaling, something was wrong.

Rolling down his window he heard, "You're pulling a dog."

Every morning since then, when F.X. goes by Bernadette, she gives him a low, long sounding growl.

Donna was coming out of church. She said to me, "I heard you just preached a parish mission over at St. Andrew's."

I said, "Yes."

She said, "I don't like that church. They don't have a crucifix."

I was there for 5 days and I didn't notice they didn't have a crucifix.

I did notice they had a neat statue of Saint Andrew - holding a fishing net - all in bronze.

Some things that we don't see can trigger feelings - so too - what we see.

If we handed everyone a piece of paper and ask them to jot down 25 of their buttons.

Can we learn how to avoid having one of our buttons pushed?

Wait! I think the first step would be to be aware of our buttons.

 September 16, 2022

Thought for Today


God, disguised as a myriad things and                playing a game of tag,

has kissed you and said, "You're it -                             I mean you're Really IT!"

Now it does not matter what you believe                    or feel,

for something wonderful, major-league          wonderful, is someday going to



A Year with Hafiz,

translated by Daniel Ladinsky

Thursday, September 15, 2022

 September 15, 2022



It's now a week and two days, May 7, 2007. after the cruise.

I wrote in a similar journal some of the moments, thoughts, feelings about the cruise I was on to the Panama Canal.

Even if I didn't write here or there about the cruise, people asked questions and expected answers: How was the cruise? Would you go again? Where did you go? What was the most interesting experience?

On the cruise different people from our group asked, "Is this going to be in a sermon?

On the cruise different people from our group would ask each other, "Well, how was the show last night?"  Or they would ask about a side trip, "Well, how was the trip to the ruins."

I suppose once we step out of the ordinary, life has its Q and A sessions.

And I guess the way to get in touch with the extraordinary, one must ask oneself, "Well how was it?"

So here are some answers:

The cruise was water - lots of water.

The cruise was people - lots of people.  I think the numbers were 1970 people on the cruise - plus 700 crew members. Then there were the people we saw when we were on land -tour guides, people selling stuff, sales people in stores, bus drivers, etc. etc. etc.

The cruise was food: the pick up meals on the Ledo Deck - tray in hand - going around and picking up what one liked - as well as the formal meals in the big dining rooms.

The cruise was diamonds, jewelry for sale on board and at each port.

The cruise was the Panama Canal - but we only went through one lock - so we didn't go to the other side and into the Pacific.

The cruise was elevators - people going up and down - all day long - instead of taking the carpeted stairs - which I preferred for the exercise..

The cruise was quiet moments on the balcony overlooking the Western Caribbean  - or chatting with Jack Flanagan.

The cruise is still cruising through my mind - still gliding across the waters of my mind.

 September 15, 2022

Thought for Today


Wine is like the Lord Jesus; it can bring        

the dead to life.


A Year With Hafiz

Daily Contemplations

translated by Daniel Ladinsky

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

 September  14, 2022



I was about to head to Florida to take a cruise with some people from our parish - and head for Panama and a few other places.

How does one prepare for a trip - any trip?

What does that question tell about a person?

That triggered a memory of Jack Nicholson packing in the movie, "As Good As It Gets."

I think of Tom who had bought several books on how to pack.

I think of Mom and Dad in Ireland - long before I existed - and before they got married here the states - packing.  I never heard any conversation about that experience.

I think of young people going off to college.

I think of men and women going off to war.

For my trip to Panama and the cruise in the Caribbean, I'll have to make a list of "Things to Do!"

Next came the, "What happens next?" question.

Next came the money question.  How much will I need.

The thought of being a little boy again - and not having enough money for our Altar Boy boat ride up the Hudson River.

I'll figure it out. I always do.

Then the thought: bring a book for journaling.

Will I write the stories - the stories of my life.

I said, "Yes!"

Then the  doubt: "Will I?"