Friday, March 17, 2017

March 17, 2017


May your steps today
be neat as the feet
of an Irish dancer.

May your smile today make all
faces smile and the world becomes
miles and miles of Irish smiles.

May your blarney be so, so
thick that everyone thinks
and says, “Kiss me I’m Irish!”

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

Thursday, March 16, 2017

March 16, 2017


As in olden times - there was this big
contest - to come up with the # 1
wisdom statement of all time.

There were many entries, but back then,
“This too shall pass!” won the contest.

This time another wisdom statement
won the day: “Everyone sees
differently - but everyone thinks
people see - what they are seeing.”

"Wait a minute," someone yelled out.
"I don't see it that way!"

"Wonderful," said the Judge. "You got
it. You too, have just won the contest."

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

March 15, 2017


As someone said, “There is no too soon,
there’s only too late.”  Augustine said the
same thing a long time ago, “Too late
have I loved You, O Lord…. Too late.”

Everyone knows, “There are too many
too lates in life.” As a result, “There
are too many regrets” in life. So today,
O Lord, before it’s too late, I will....

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

Tuesday, March 14, 2017



The title of my homily for this 2nd Tuesday of Lent is, “The Pharisee Trap.”

Since today’s gospel has Jesus giving a loud warning to the Pharisees of his day, I thought I’d better take a good look at my own life.

When it comes to religion, any religion, there is always  the Pharisee Trap.

It’s more dangerous, the closer you get to the front of the church or temple or synagogue or mosque - or the higher one is above people. It’s no accident the phrase is: looking down on people.

Hey world, look at me - up here - above you.

As we heard in today’s first reading from Isaiah, widows and orphans are more important than the leaders of the community.

Yet we need readers and Eucharistic ministers - ushers as well as priests.

Smart Catholics are back seat Catholics. 

That’s not just a clever comment. Jesus said it first in the parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. Notice in that parable, the one who says he’s the “sinner” is in the back of the temple. [Cf. Luke 18: 9-14.]

In my opinion - and I say this with hesitation and great caution - the only benefits that happened in the child abuse cases with priests is it hopefully made parents and guardians keep a much better eye on their kids and possible predators. That’s first and foremost. Secondly,  it gave priests a bit more chance for humility.  We were dropped down many a peg - to the bottom by some.


I read somewhere that jealousy is a priest’s sin. I don’t know if that’s true. I’ve wondered about that comment. Hearing the word “priest” in the comment - I would obviously notice  it - and keep my eye on it.  I would suspect  jealousy would show up in church and temple. People don’t want to lose what they have: prestige, power, recognition, etc. etc. etc.

So too envy. Envy is wanting what we don’t have.  Jealously is wanting to hold onto what we have.

Clergy - but I suspect everyone more or less has these  two temptations. We like the spotlight and we don’t want to lose it - or we want it. 

To be honest, the older one gets, the less one wants up front recognition. Been there; done that.

Besides jealousy and envy, Pharisees can be caught up in various other sins.

So another sin is misuse of power - when it comes to being up front in religion.

Religious leaders can put heavy burdens on others as we heard in today’s gospel - Matthew 23: 1-12 - and little on themselves.

Pharisees tend to not practice what they preach.  That’s why ethical breaches when it comes to sex and money appear in newspapers quite loud if the culprit is a priest, rabbi or minister.

Pharisees find it  easier not to listen if one is in power.

Power also goes to one’s head.  Everyone knows and quotes the British politician Lord Acton’s comment: “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” 

Most people - at least I do - tend to leave out his next comment: "Great men are almost always bad men." 
How's that for a pretty tough generalization.

Laziness is one more sin of the clergy.

Take the example of preaching. It’s difficult to keep up with one’s reading.  It takes time and work and research to prepare homilies - and not give left overs or fast food precooked homilies from someone else, etc. etc. etc.  Sermons have to come from within. The preacher must do with what Isaiah says in today’s first reading: “Hear the word of the Lord.”  That means praying. I know I don’t do enough of that when preparing a homily.

Hypocrisy - acting - faking it - is also a sin of those who are up front when it comes to religion. The sanctuary can become a stage. To be honest, it helps to know the lines, because some days as priest can be a tough day and one sort of acts the part - rather than being the part. Or somedays I run out of gas - but the show must go on.


As I’m sure you just noticed - much of this was about being a priest.

Don’t throw stones - any or all of us - can get trapped in the Pharisee Trap.


Painting on top: James Tissot, Woe Unto You, scribes and Pharisees, Brooklyn Museum.
March 14, 2017


The flake of snow preferred
this state of being, this shape
of water - compared to being
a drop of rain or mist or dew
It loved the drift, the snow fall,
the sky diving moment, the
wondering where it would land.
Would it land in a flower pot or
on the edge of the lawn only to
become a snowman or a snow-
ball. Ouch! Fun! As long as it
didn’t hurt someone. Then the
long, slow,  snow time melt - the
journey to the sea, streams, river,
ocean, then like kids at the bottom
of a ski lift or folks getting into a
plane for more sky diving, the drop
of H2O said, “Let’s do it one more time
- but one more time as a snow flake.”

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017

Monday, March 13, 2017



The title of my homily for this 2nd Monday in Lent is, “Measuring.”

Today’s gospel - Luke 6: 36-38 -  is all about measuring!

Jesus says,
·       “Be merciful….”
·       “Stop judging….”
·       “Stop condemning….”
·       “Forgive….”
·       “Give….”

Jesus is challenging us to look at how we measure. Then today’s gospel closes with this strong message:   “For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you."

Take your pick - what message - do you want to reflect upon - and pray over for today?


I’m choosing to reflect upon the human tendency to measure things.

I hold that we’re doing this all the time - like all the time - and everyday - with everyone and everything.

If there was a camera on us all day long, we could take the video - study it - and count how many times per day, we wince our eyes - with a negative vote.

A wince is tiny flinch - a tiny movement - a tiny squeeze with the top of our nose, the side skin around our eyes, sometimes with a tiny, tiny sound of disapproval - “uunh” -  an impatience - a not-liking something.

What we’re seeing with our wincing eyes is something or someone that does not measure up to our standard - our expectation.

Key to this theme of measuring is comparisons.

We are comparing another’s weight, hair, shape, clothing, manner, mannerisms, to the ruler - and I mean ruler - inside our brain.

Comparisons rule us - they can cruel us -  making us cruel judges.

We inwardly think or say or judge, This is a good look, a good outfit, a good hair due. This isn’t.


I love the image - it fits my standard on what a good image, metaphor, picture is - that Jesus gives in today’s gospel.

He must have spotted in the market place a generous, large hearted, big picture, big smiling merchant  - who would fill your sack or bag or cloak with flour or grain or with whatever you were ordering - to the utmost.  He would pack it tighter and tighter. He would tapped it down, shake  it up and down, each time putting and more into your bag or robe.

Jesus is telling us that’s how God is. God is big time generous with love and forgiveness and mercy.

I wince  whenever  I hear narrow minded judgers - criticizers - moral screamers.

I pinch myself with joy knowing Jesus said just what he said in today’s gospel.

I’m going to jump into his robes when I get to heaven.

I love Nathaniel Hawthorne’s story about the lady who spent her life, “Tch, tch, tching” others. Whenever she heard someone was sinning or what have you - that was her sound. This other lady said to her, “Go out and commit a big sin and maybe then you’ll understand the rest of us.”

I love that the motto of the Redemptorists is, “Copiosa apud eum redemptio.”  “With him there is fullness of redemption.”

I have learned to love the word “copious”.

With Christ there is copious redemption.”

Of course we have all met grouchy Redemptorists - that have forgotten the vision of St. Alphonsus.

When they get off judgments that are tough and narrow and ugly,  I wince.

And I’m sure I cause people to wince.


The title and theme of my homily was, “Measuring.”

Check out your rulers today.
March 13, 2017


Hesitation: good or bad?

It all depends.  I could be
at a red light - want to make
that right turn on red - but
I can’t see enough around
the SUV on my left and
there was that accident
I had three years ago.

It all depends. I want to say,
“Loosen up!” to this person
at work. “Loosen up. Take a
chance. Take the other job.
Money isn’t the issue in life
that you make it - even with
your family saying, ‘No, no….’”

It all depends. Just drop into
a church - a creaky bench old
church - or go to the ocean
and sit on a bench on a cold
winter’s day. Maybe God’s
in there or out there waiting for
you to drop in or spot a wave.

© Andy Costello, Reflections  2017
Photo on top: David Sandford, Lake Erie Pictures
Check out his blog: