Monday, January 25, 2016

January 25, 2016


What’s the secret of getting someone to switch
from a scowl to a smile, from a stone face to a
smiling face, from a face that is elsewhere to a
smiling face right here, right now? One answer:
walk in with a baby in your arms. It works even
in nursing homes, or when stopped for speeding,
or in airports filled with people dealing with 100
flight cancellations. Oops, another answer: smile!

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2016

Sunday, January 24, 2016


The title of my homily for this Third Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year C - is, “Owning Your Own Bible.”

It’s a good topic and theme for a day like today - we're home and outside the world is closed down because of the snow. 

Moreover, the readings are about reading the sacred scriptures.  

In the first reading from the Book of Nehemiah,  Ezra the priest stands on a wooden platform - that was constructed for the moment - and he reads from the sacred scrolls to the whole assembly of the people.

They are back from the Babylonian Captivity. They are rebuilding homes and walls. They are rebuilding their lives as Jews. They are rebuilding their faith. So they better listen to their words, their scriptures, their sacred words, words that can ground them better with their roots.


The writings in both readings were on scrolls - that were unrolled.

We read this in Nehemiah - and also in today’s gospel.

If you have ever been to a Bar or Bas Mitzvah - the young girl or young boy receives the scroll where the text they have chosen is written. The Rabbi takes the scrolls from a box, a  closet, a tabernacle, in center - like our tabernacle.

[Boca Raton, 
synagogue - 
welded brass 
on copper - 
10 feet high and 
6 feet wide.]

The young person reads the scrolls like Ezra and Jesus did, as well as give a commentary. Then their job in life is to take the words they choose and put some flesh into them.


Question: where is your Bible? Do you have a Bible - with your name on it?

Many people are given a Bible at their Confirmation or Bar or Bas Mitzvah. Do you still have yours - if you received such a gift?

Enshrine it. Treasure it. Reverence it. Put it in a sacred place. Know where it is. Use it. Pray with it.

Favorite Story: one of my favorite stories about a Bible - and I’ve told this story many times - goes like this.  

A couple were getting married. An uncle gives the couple an expensive leather bound Bible in a big box as a wedding present.

For the next 20 years every time he sees them, he asks them about that wedding gift he gave them: the leather bound Bible. They said, “Yes, wonderful, we use it all the time.” They didn’t - but they didn’t want to upset their uncle - whom they wrote off as a church goer. 

When they received it, they had opened up the box slightly - saw what it was in it and said, “Nice!” to themselves. It went onto the top shelf of a closet and into another closet if they moved - never to be opened.

Then one evening, their daughter - while doing her high school home work - asked her mom and dad, “Do we have a Bible? I need one for an essay I have to write for home work.”  

Mom said, “I think there is one in the top of the closet over there. Uncle Jack gave us a nice one for our wedding.”

Their daughter got a chair - stood on it - and got up into the top of the closet and sure enough found a nice strong cardboard box. She opened it - said, "Good!" and brought the Bible to the dining room table where she was doing her paper.

60 seconds later she came running into the evening news which her mom and dad were watching and was yelling, “Mom, dad, there’s money in here in this Bible. Lots of money - all 20 dollar bills.”

Their Uncle had put a 20 dollar bill at the beginning of every chapter of that bible. It was a Catholic Bible - that’s 73 times 20 dollars.

Well, they were embarrassed - but they called their uncle - and made their confession and their thanks.

I like that story. I heard another version. Instead of 20 dollar bills it was a gift car from daddy to son.


I also love the story about the Dead Sea Scrolls. In 1947 a Bedouin Kid with kid goats had one get lost and perhaps got into a cave. 

Well, the kid climbed into the cave and the rest is history.  By 1967 or so - 11 caves had been found and cleaned up - with over 50,000 pieces of scrolls and scrolls of all sorts.

The oldest Old Testament complete texts at the time were from the 900’s with some earlier fragments. In one great find and leap, the world now jumped back almost 2000 years.

I like to say that everyone has caves within them that contain the Bible - that is if we went to church - read the readings, heard the readings - what have you - and they got embedded in our memory.

They just have to be discovered - unrolled - and read.

Cave in!


One of the world’s top New Testament Biblical Scholar is Joseph Fitzmyer - 95 years of age or so - from Philadelphia - a Jesuit.  I once took a workshop in Chicago that he was giving on Luke and the Acts of the Apostles.  

At that workshop, I just happened to walk with him after lunch going back to the place where we were staying. I asked him, “When it comes to the Bible, what was the most interesting thing you ever experienced in your life?”

He stopped and told me about the time he was doing some work on the Dead Sea Scrolls.

He was brought into a special room in Israel. There they had 50 some pieces of scraps from a Dead Sea Scroll Cave. Many scrolls in the caves had been in jars - to preserve them, but some jars had broken - and parts of the scrolls were broken off and were scattered on the floor of the caves.

He was to take a scrap of leather scroll, scape off the dirt - which included bird droppings - and then study the piece and see what was written on it.  Then he would write on an index card over here what he read. So that was scrap one - and index card one - placed on the table and he would do all 50 scraps that way.

Yes - amazing. Who would have thought someone would have a story like that as the most amazing thing they ever did?

What I got out of that for this sermon is the following.

Not only do many of us have a Bible hidden in some cave or cellar or closet inside of us - but we also often don't take the time to dust off favorite texts that have become part of us - without us realizing it.


In today’s gospel Jesus goes into synagogue and the Scroll of Isaiah 61 is opened for him and he reads it - and then says, “Today this text is fulfilled in your midst.”

Whenever I do a funeral, I ask the family, “Did your husband or your father or mother or sister have a favorite Bible text?”

The last funeral I had the family said their dad didn’t do church - and if he went - he’d be in the back bench. 

We priests run into many a Catholic who is in that position. 

Then the family added that it’s funny that their dad will be up front in the casket tomorrow for his funeral. 

I said, “I love Luke 15. Read those 3 stories in that chapter  from Jesus and you’ll see where Pope Francis is getting his material about forgiveness and mercy. This is where he got his open door policy.”

I concluded. "Be at peace and let God be God to your father. Even though you said he rarely went to church, let God be good to your dad - as he was good to you."

The funeral I had just a few days  before that one was for a man whose daughter said to me, “My dad loved the Beatitudes. Could you read that as the gospel for his funeral Mass and could you explain why my dad loved them.”

I didn't know why he loved the beatitudes, but from what I heard about her dad, I did weave some thoughts of mercy for him as well.

St. Alphonsus Liguori, the founding father of us Redemptorists, loved today’s gospel and chose it as his inaugural address. It tells us what redemption and mercy are all about: opening up or unrolling the scriptures, hearing Good News brought to us who are poor, discovering freedom when feeling captive, having our eyes opened - from our blindness - and going free. [Cf. Luke 4: 16-19; Isaiah 61: 1-2]


My favorite text in the Bible is Galatians 6:2, “Bear one another’s burdens and in this way you’ll fulfill the Law of Christ.”

I asked that Galatians 6:2 be read at my funeral.

What is your text? What do you want read at your funeral?

Better: Not what is your death text, but what is your life text? 
January 24, 2016


Snap! Crackle! Pop!
Put your ear close to
a bowl of Rice Krispies
and you’ll hear those
crispy, crackly, sounds.

Listen - better look into
another person’s eyes.
You’ll sense deep down
God sounds, screams as
well as silent joys. Honestly….

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2016

Saturday, January 23, 2016

January 23, 2016


It’s January and here in the north - in 
the northern hemisphere - it’s supposed
to snow - to slow us down - to sit with soup
and/or hot chocolate warming our hands
and our being and our bellies - and look
out windows at the white out - and hear
the wind - and thank God for the sizzle
from radiators and the crackle from
wood in the fire place, the warmth of love,
peanut butter, card games and each
other - and pray for those on the roads
and those plowing and cleaning our roads.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2016

Friday, January 22, 2016


I was standing there at the Smithsonian
National Air and Space Museum in
Washington, D.C. and I saw a piece
of the moon on display. Wow! I was
able to touch the moon. How about that?

We humans took home 840 pounds 
of the moon from our expeditions there. 
Along with millions of other people, I got a 
chance to touch a tiny sliver of the moon.

I got to touch a piece of the rock. It
triggered a million thoughts. 
Millions of rocks are everywhere: 
diamonds, parts of bridges, walls, 
homes, sidewalks. Then there were 
the rocks men were going to throw 
at that woman caught in adultery.

Jesus challenged them that day and
they dropped the rocks and walked away.

In the meanwhile, I guess I prefer a clear
black sky, a bright white moon, things
undisturbed, blessed assurance, looking
for calm in a Sea of Tranquility with peace
and beauty as the bedrocks of my mind.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2016
I took both pictures off the Internet,
the moon rock piece from the Smithsonian
Air and Space Museum Website.


The title of my homily for this 2nd Friday in Ordinary Time is, “The Pause That Saves.”

I like that we human beings have the ability to pause.

I like that we human beings can take the time to stop and think - and also to pray - for light and insight - in cloudy moments.

I like that we human beings have the ability to choose.

Is that what makes us different than the animals?


Father Tizio’s dog, a pug named Wilber, comes into our dining room every morning and he knows where the Cheerios are. It’s in a cabinet below a counter. When someone opens up that cabinet where the cereals are, Wilber puts his two front paws on the edge of shelf - anxious, anxious, anxious - for his fix of food - for a handful of Cheerios.

As that cabinet is opened I see Wilber standing on his back two legs and his 2 front paws reaching up to that shelf I often say to myself, “Here’s a proof for evolution.” At some point humans stopped crawling and started standing, reaching for the higher fruits and berries.


Speaking of food, the title of my homily is, “The Pause That Saves Life.”

Human beings have more choice than animals when it comes to food. If we’re diabetic, or we’re on a diet - or if we have to watch salt - then there’s that pause - then there’s that guilt voice that says, “You can’t have that.”

We don’t have to overeat or over sugar or coffee or salt.

We have the power of pause.


I love today’s first reading. Every one of us at times are looking for a bathroom. It could be on the road or at the mall or at a wedding. We ask, “Could you tell me where the ladies room is? Where there’s a bathroom?”

In today’s first reading from 1st Samuel 24: 3-21, David finds a cave along the way just for that purpose. It’s a have to and a want to.

While in the back of the cave, surprise, Saul enters the cave and David and his men see that it’s a chance for David to kill Saul.

Instead - in that darkish cave, they choose to sneak up and cut off a piece of Saul’s mantle. They have the thought to kill Saul - yet they pause and think about it and they don’t.

It’s right there that I got the thought for this homily.


We have the power of pause.

We have the power of second thoughts - not just first immediate reactions.

We can step back and think.

In sermons I like to stress getting in touch with that moment called, “The Pause!” 

We get it when someone mentions Person X - and we know Gossip Y - and we hear an inner voice that says, “Don’t say it!” Our conscience says, “It’s wrong to talk about people behind their back.”

We have that power called “The Pause” when have to decide to cancel going out in the snow storm or not.

To eat that second piece of pie…. To sit there instead of doing some walking and exercising…. To help our neighbor …. To shovel our neighbor’s steps - hey she’s all alone and she’s an 83 year old lady.


Today is Pro Life Day.

Today we proclaim the power of human life - the sacredness of human life.

We hope we’re planting in the womb of human brains - the seed of the value of human life and the life sentence, “Hey I got the gift of life. Thanks mom and dad. Maybe someone else would want it too."

Thursday, January 21, 2016

January 21, 2016


Be who you is, because if you be
who you ain’t,  then you ain’t who you is.

Be aware of what you’re doing, because if you
don’t, then you don't know what you're doing.

Be in the present moment, when  you’re in the
present moment, but use both your past
experiences and your future hopes to make
the present moment that much better.

Be where you is, because  if you be where
you ain’t,  then you ain’t where you is.

Be aware of why you’re doing what you’re doing
- because if you don't, then you might have dishonesty and self-destruction in your why.

Be aware of how you do things, but keep
learning from your successes and failures and
watch and learn how others do the same thing.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2016