Sunday, December 13, 2015

December 12, 2015


Sometimes mist - morning mist - touches
something in us... touching our moods - touching
our imagination - touching our morning spirituality -
as if this new day - is not ready to be a new day -
as if time is still asleep… but - but - we have to
wipe the car windows - we have to slowly creep
out and up the street …. We have to get moving.

Sometimes mist - morning mist in winter - is frost -
and is more beautiful than autumn mist and like
anything more beautiful - sometimes it’s more
dangerous. It’s icy. It’s slippery. So too some people…. They are slick and slippery - slowly creeping into us - cold and cautious - and they crack and crumble our spirituality - and we can’t move….

© Andy Costello, Reflections, 2015

Friday, December 11, 2015

December 11, 2015


The one who grows up hearing drums
gets it. The one who doesn’t, is often
disturbed by the drum, drum, drum
of drums.  In time - during a dance,
or during a doctor’s exam of one’s
heart - sometimes the one who didn’t
grow up with drums finally gets it.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2015
December 10, 2015


Don’t forget to listen.
Don’t forget to say, “Thank you.”
Don’t forget to pack without distractions.
Don’t forget to look besides using your rear view mirrors.
Don’t forget to eat smart.
Don’t forget that God is underneath this whole enterprise.
Don’t forget the next generation.
Don’t forget to forgive.
Don’t forget to say, “I love you.”
Don’t forget that there are consequences.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2015
December 9, 2015


I have found that “Ugh!” and “Bummer”
are two key words to say at funerals
and disasters - like divorce and when
families give each other the silent
treatment. “Ugh!”, “Bummer!” I’ve been
making those two blurts more than
saying, “I’ll keep you in my prayers.”
I’ve yet to hear anyone reply “Ugh”
or “Bummer” when I don’t make that
"keeping you in my prayers comment."

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2015

Tuesday, December 8, 2015



The title of my homily for this Feast of the Immaculate Conception is, "Do Not Be Afraid."

It's one of life's big messages. Parents and coaches and teachers tell kids that every day. "Don't be afraid."

Don't be afraid.  I won't be too long. Some of you got to get back to work. I got to pack - do a bunch of things - and catch the bus with some of our kids for a 4 day high school Kairos Retreat.


If there is any message in the Bible - both Old and New Testaments, it's this: Don't be afraid."

Many stories seem to have angels who appear and say to various folks: "Don't be afraid."

It's a great message found in today's gospel from Luke.

In his very first chapter, the angel Gabriel says, "Do not be afraid Mary, for you have found favor with God."

Today is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception - the Patronal Feast of the United States for us Catholics.

So Mary hears in today's gospel, "Don't be afraid."


We all have fears.

Lately, if I am hearing folks - they have lots of fears.

Right now it's terrorism. 

Tomorrow it will be something else.

I was thinking, if you think you're afraid of Muslims, think about how afraid they are right now - both here and around the world.

We have a good family friend. His family is from Iraq. After September 11, he dressed in a poncho and he walked around making comments in Spanish. He went to M.I.T. and is an astrophysicist - but he was scared.


Mary had fears.

Joseph had fears.

It seems Jesus had fears in the desert - in the garden - and on the cross.

Jesus was one of us in all things but sins. I feel a tiny fear by saying Jesus had his fears. Could I be turned in by someone for saying such a thing?

Just a tiny fear.

Sometimes fears help - don't go down dangerous streets and alleys in the dark of night. Sometimes fears cripple us - for getting out of our comfort zones and make it to a better way of doing life.

Fears like snakes lurk, slide and slither through the jungle of our unconscious. We feel them in our minds with our headaches - our sweaty palms and foreheads.  When afraid, we put our hand to our heart - and sometimes we scratch the skin above our heart.

Today Pope Francis walked through the front door of St. Peter's - followed by Pope Benedict with cane in hand - perhaps with some fears - but hopefully with plenty of hope, they began a year of mercy.


First ask questions.

Secondly, walk with God. Pray.

December 8, 2015


Who knows where and when and all that
goes into a conception - whether it’s in us
or a little baby girl in a town called Nazareth?
Who knows how God and love and night
and day - dreams and hopes for the future
flow and fly through space and eternity? 
You got to ask questions and trust in God.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2015

Monday, December 7, 2015



The title of my homily for this Second Monday in Advent is, “There is ugly.”


Hans Christian Andersen [1805-1875] wrote fairy tales - over there in Denmark. The one tale many people remember is the story of the Ugly Duckling - which he dreamed up in 1842. Later on in life he said it was the story of his life.

I spotted this in Wikepedia, “In reviewing Hans Christian Andersen: A New Life by biographer Jens Andersen, British journalist Anne Chisholm writes ‘Andersen himself was a tall, ugly boy with a big nose and big feet, and when he grew up with a beautiful singing voice and a passion for the theater he was cruelly teased and mocked by other children’. The ugly duckling is the child of a swan whose egg accidentally rolled into a duck's nest.”

The little duckking is born and all the other animals in the barn yard called it “Ugly” - so it stayed alone - and tried to stay clear from the bullying in the barnyard.

It escaped and had to deal with winter and aloneness. One day she saw a flock of swans - but she was too small, too young, to fly away with them.

A farmer took the ugly duckling in - but the kids were too noisy and too  rough so the Ugly duckling wandered away again - till she saw a flock of swans.

By now the Ugly Duckling had grown and matured and she’s in a pond and she sees herself in her reflection. She is beautiful.  With that she joins the community of swans.


In today’s readings we have this story in another translation.

In the first reading it’s the earth - which was a desert - which is ugly. That is till it bloomed - till it flowered - till it blossomed. 

In the first reading it’s the desert that is ugly, till its dry river beds start to flow. Pools are filled with water. The dangerous jackals, and lions disappear. Joy and gladness are heard - sorrow and morning flee.  

In the first reading it’s Israel that is ugly - that is till the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame leap like a stag, the mute sing.

In the gospel we hear the story of the Ugly Duckling in the story of the paralyzed man. His friends carry him to Jesus. They run into a wall of people around the house Jesus is in. So they go up on a roof - remove the tiles - and lower him down by a stretcher right into the middle of the room. There he is on the floor looking up at Jesus.

Despite some bullies who are after Jesus, Jesus heals this paralyzed man and forgives him his sins - and the man goes home celebrating - his new found legs and freedom.

In the meanwhile bullies still exist.


Today’s readings can become us.

The Ugly duckling story can become us.

Our world can change. Our surroundings can change.

The Bad and the Ugly can become the Good.

When I was on the Lower East Side as a young priest, I used to walk by an ugly lot. An apartment used to be there - but it fell in and was removed. Next came garbage, toilet bowls, shopping carts, mattresses and tons of junk. The only thing growing there were weeds.

Well, a group of people decided to clean it up. They got permits and permissions. Then they brought in trucks and they removed the junk. They planted grass and trees and flowers. They put in some benches. They put in a neat garden. It was no longer an ugly eye sore.

Well the obvious message is we can do this with our homes, our lives, our neighborhood, our world.


The title of my homily was, “There Is Ugly.”

I was going to add, “There Is Beautiful Too.”

Then when I was reading about Hans Christian Andersen, I found out that he was going to title his story, “The Young Swans” - but no, he called it, “The Ugly Duckling” - for surprise and for suspense.