Tuesday, December 8, 2015



The title of my homily for this Feast of the Immaculate Conception is, "Do Not Be Afraid."

It's one of life's big messages. Parents and coaches and teachers tell kids that every day. "Don't be afraid."

Don't be afraid.  I won't be too long. Some of you got to get back to work. I got to pack - do a bunch of things - and catch the bus with some of our kids for a 4 day high school Kairos Retreat.


If there is any message in the Bible - both Old and New Testaments, it's this: Don't be afraid."

Many stories seem to have angels who appear and say to various folks: "Don't be afraid."

It's a great message found in today's gospel from Luke.

In his very first chapter, the angel Gabriel says, "Do not be afraid Mary, for you have found favor with God."

Today is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception - the Patronal Feast of the United States for us Catholics.

So Mary hears in today's gospel, "Don't be afraid."


We all have fears.

Lately, if I am hearing folks - they have lots of fears.

Right now it's terrorism. 

Tomorrow it will be something else.

I was thinking, if you think you're afraid of Muslims, think about how afraid they are right now - both here and around the world.

We have a good family friend. His family is from Iraq. After September 11, he dressed in a poncho and he walked around making comments in Spanish. He went to M.I.T. and is an astrophysicist - but he was scared.


Mary had fears.

Joseph had fears.

It seems Jesus had fears in the desert - in the garden - and on the cross.

Jesus was one of us in all things but sins. I feel a tiny fear by saying Jesus had his fears. Could I be turned in by someone for saying such a thing?

Just a tiny fear.

Sometimes fears help - don't go down dangerous streets and alleys in the dark of night. Sometimes fears cripple us - for getting out of our comfort zones and make it to a better way of doing life.

Fears like snakes lurk, slide and slither through the jungle of our unconscious. We feel them in our minds with our headaches - our sweaty palms and foreheads.  When afraid, we put our hand to our heart - and sometimes we scratch the skin above our heart.

Today Pope Francis walked through the front door of St. Peter's - followed by Pope Benedict with cane in hand - perhaps with some fears - but hopefully with plenty of hope, they began a year of mercy.


First ask questions.

Secondly, walk with God. Pray.

1 comment:

MrC said...

To be brave is not to be unafraid, to be brave is to act in spite of your fear. We all have an opportunity to be brave every day! Do not waste it.