Monday, April 13, 2015



The title of my homily for this 2nd Monday after Easter is, “I’m All Shook Up.


I'd like to say a few words about understanding the Bible a bit more.  One of the steps in getting and grasping the Bible is when it shakes us up.

There might be a fresh insight in a section of the Bible that gets us to  scratch our head and say, “I don’t get it.”

It’s when the words we hear and the words we read seem confusing.

We find out that donkeys and snakes don’t talk – and the sun doesn’t stop moving – and we say, “Uh oh.” It’s then we say, “Well, if this ain’t true, then how do I know what’s true.”


In today’s readings we hear about people all shook up.

In fact at the end of today’s first reading from the Acts of the Apostles – it says the place where they were, shook. Was that an actual earthquake or was that poetry or metaphor?

That’s what the Holy Spirit does. The word for Spirit in Hebrew is RUAH – meaning breath, air, wind.

The word of God should challenge us. Often it begins with confusion – and then when we get the word – when the wind intervenes – we shake in our being – then comes the challenge – and then the call – to be bold with the Word of God.

And then comes upset from others.

That’s what we’re hearing in these Post Easter texts.

In today’s gospel we hear about Nichodemus – who comes to Jesus in the night – because he’s scared – and he’s confused.


Many of the gospels after Easter are from the gospel of John – we have throughout the year – Matthew, Mark and Luke – and then comes the Evangelist of the different color: John.

His characters often have to get shook up – to begin to get Jesus.

Birth is birth – not rebirth. Water is water – not living water. Wind is wind – not the Holy Spirit.  Blindness is with our physical eyes – not spiritual blindness. Lame has to do with our feet and legs – not lame in the spirit. Light is light – not spiritual enlightenment. Bread is bread – not the living bread – Jesus. Wine – is his blood – big jarfulls of the blood of Jesus.


To begin to get Jesus – we have to get confused – shook up – first. Then we can move from the literal, the visible, to the imaginative, the spiritual, the invisible.

Perhaps that’s why Nicodemus is the model for people who pray in the night – who come to Jesus in the dark – who experience Jesus – the Light of the World.
April 13, 2015


The world is ribbed
   with rivers,
      little spider web
         black lines on maps,
            but in reality,
               when standing
                  on either shore,
                      rivers - short and long,
                          moving along
                      all around the world,
                 twisting and turning,
             up and down
          across and back, with
      ferries and bridges,
   fish and boats,
      water, water, water,
            with birds, birds,
                  rivers moving along,
                      part of the landscape,
                 where they build cities,
           where lakes appear,
       water flowing to the ocean,
 rivers round the world,
       sometimes frozen,
            sometimes flooding,
                 sometimes low,
                     empty, drought,
                 do you understand now,
          why rivers remind me,
    why they are
          a metaphor for life?

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2015

Sunday, April 12, 2015



The title of my homily for  is, “Do You Have Mercy on your Self Test?”

Today’s readings stress mercy and forgiveness, faith and love, peace and we’re in this together.

Please God - mercy flows like a river - through our life and through our world - each day.

I was brought up with the stress that this 2nd Sunday after Easter is "Doubting Thomas Sunday". That theme was a forever. Then a new stress in our lifetime showed up: with this being Divine Mercy Sunday. For some this stress became more important than Easter Sunday.  I assume all these stresses and themes are around – more or less – for every Sunday.


Our Pope Francis is making the theme of mercy central to his preaching and his proclaiming of the gospel. We’ll be hearing it big time when he comes to the United States. Mercy.

What’s your take on Mercy?

I know I have to sit down and come up with 3 to 5 nuances or key pushes on the theme.


It’s a theme that certainly is heard all through the Bible – page 3 to the last page.

We were taught that mercy, kindness, in Hebrew - HESED – H  E  S  E  D – is a key understanding of God – a key characteristic  of God.

As we went through our 4 years of  studies after college, we heard the word “mercy” “HESED” over and over again as we went through our Bible studies. We had big time Bible Study – 2 years on the Jewish Scriptures and 2 years on the Christian Scriptures. "HESED". was always coupled with another Hebrew word “EMET” – often translated into English as “ongoing” – “secure” “firm” “can be depended upon”.

In the Psalms – in much of the Jewish Scriptures – we hear “HESED EMET” – God is ongoing mercy – God is loving kindness – always with us mercy. You can depend on God for Mercy.

Well Pope Francis wants us  to have those two words – those two messages – as our way of being like God – as our way of living in the image and likeness of God.

How do you see God? How do you see Christians? How do we see ourselves?


Somewhere along the line I discovered that people love self-tests?

I’ve often noticed in doctor’s waiting rooms Reader’s Digest or some other popular magazine – and in the table of contents – I see “Self Test” or “Score Yourself” and when I turn to that page the test has been ripped out or marked by someone else. 

I’ve also noticed when doing retreats and workshops, people like self tests.

I found out that businesses and organizations often give their employees the Jungian Type Test.  One finds out that some people are extraverts and some people are introverts – in varying degrees.  One finds out who’s neat and time conscious and who are the opposite – also in varying degrees –– the intuitives.  I call them the slobs – the dreamers – vs. the practical. Just listen to preachers and you know who’s who. Show me your celler or garage or the trunk of your car and you can guess who’s who. I’ve lived in rectories most of my life with other priests. You walk into a room to see a guy and I know in a second – the self test of one’s room. I’ve lived with guys who get rid of the morning’s newspaper by 6 PM that evening and I have newspapers from 25 years ago on one of many piles here and there in corners or under my bed – etc. etc. etc. I see something. I gotta save this. Then there are the thinkers vs. the feelers – head vs. heart – emotions vs. analysis.

I personally like the FIRO self test – made by a guy name Schultz – who was asked to help figure out issues and characteristics for people in submarines. The key 3 issues are Control, Inclusion, Affection.  Some people’s main issue is to control the issue, some like one to one’s, some like to feel part of the group. These are all more or less – expressed or unexpressed.

If you felt any energy in my last 200 words you got that.


Well the scriptures are read out in church to challenge us on how we stand when it comes to mercy – as well as other issues.

So we have those 3 guys coming down the road to Jericho and they see or don’t see the 4th person who has been beaten up and robbed? Who stops to help? Who doesn’t? Who thinks that the person who stops is a sucker? Who thinks I’m going to miss God and Synagogue if I stop?

So we hear about rock throwers who seem to only see women who are having sex outside of marriage as law breakers – not as someone who needs help and protection by some higher or better law than the law that says she should be stoned to death?

So on a scale of 1 to 10 – 10 being the highest – how would I score myself as a person of mercy and forgiveness?


I heard of a priest  – whom everyone from miles around – went to for confession.  He would only say one thing to every person – “Don’t we all? Don’t we all?” So he was called, “Father Don’tWeAll.”

I want that nick name.  

Don’t we all?
April 12, 2015


How do you feel:
when you cross a river,
when somebody says you messed up,
when you're in a funeral parlor,
when you’re in the woods
when a tractor trailer is too close,
when it’s your birthday,
when the telephone rings,
when you hear a motorcycle at midnight,
when you see somebody in a wheel chair,
when you see a pregnant woman,
when you notice a tree budding,
when you hear the words, "capital punishment",
when you hear the word, "sex"
when you hear the word "abortion"
when you hear soft music,
when you graduate,
when an ambulance goes by,
when you see a sail boat
when someone brings you ice cream,
when certain songs come on the radio,
when it rains in the spring.
when you are eating an apple,
when you see a horse in a high green grass field,
when someone you hate walks into the room,
when you see someone who just lost a loved one,
when you see the ocean,
when you see blood,
when you see a rose,
when you see a baby's fingers or toes?

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2015

Saturday, April 11, 2015

April 11, 2015


This is a picture of a red chair that
my dad made in the 1940’s or so.
It’s still around. It's been painted and repainted
at various times in its existence. It sat there
in Brooklyn. Now it sits there in Doylestown, PA.
He fished the wood from the waters of
the Narrows – between Staten Island
and Brooklyn – brought it home and made
this chair – along with the green fence
that surrounded our back yard. My dad,
he worked doing a lot of lifting of flower
and sugar and stuff  for Nabisco's Big Bakery 
in New York and then Fairlawn, N.J. - but 
better - he enjoyed reading - especially
poetry - and being a carpenter and a fisherman 
on the side. Wow, he showed me big time  
we are made in the image and likeness of God -
Carpenter, Baker, Fisherman, Creator and Father.

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2015



The title of my brief homily for this Friday in the Octave of Easter  is, “The Name of Jesus.”

I’m sure you noticed in the New Testament the words, “the name of Jesus.”

It’s right there in today’s first reading. Annas the high priest, Caiphas and various other big shots question Peter – on his right to be doing what he’s doing – preaching and healing in the name of Jesus.

And Peter accepts their complaint and announces that’s exactly what he is doing – He’s doing everything in the name of Jesus.


I remember reading somewhere along the line the comment that married people  - people in love – use one word more than any other word.

Obvious that triggered a response in my mind. Is it the word “love” as in “I love you?”

Nope. It’s the person’s name – for their beloved.

Not being married I didn’t know that.

So I started listening. Sure enough, it is the other person’s first name.

Then I thought back to seeing kids doodle – on paper – on covers – on loose leaf binders – the name of their girl friend or boyfriend at the time.

How difficult is it to get a tattoo off?

How does this phenomenon – this reality – show up in the world of Facebook,  texting, twittering, emailing?

I’m sure this could be measured better with digital technology.


So how about taking the name of Jesus – and making it an inner prayer?

How about taking a rosary and just running through the 59 beads and slowly saying and savoring the name of Jesus?

“Jesus” “Jesus” “Jesus” “Jesus” “Jesus” “Jesus” “Jesus”  “Jesus” “Jesus”

How about taking a rosary and saying 59 times, “Hallowed be your name.”

How about taking a rosary and saying 59 times, “Blessed be the name of the Lord.”

How about checking out how we say the name of Jesus when we’re praying?  How is our reverence, respect, awe levels, when we say the name of Jesus?

Friday, April 10, 2015

April 10, 2015


Try this:
What would your life be like,
if you imagined your life to be without God?
What would your life be like,
If you imagined your life to be without an afterlife?

Think about:
Would your choices be different?
Would you see sin be not doing anything to God,
but what hurts or damages you, others or our earth?
Would you pause before every decision in a new way?

Wonder about:
Atheists are sort of in that box; what’s that like?
God would be outside your box; what’s that like?
You would have to rethink, retry and rewonder
about your life; what would that be like?

© Andy Costello, Reflections 2015