Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Quote for Today - October 25,  2011

"Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul."

Emily Dickinson [1830-1886], Poems, Pt. I, No. 32

Monday, October 24, 2011



The title of my homily for this 30th Monday in Ordinary time is, “Slip Slidin’ Away.”

It’s the title and theme of a song by Paul Simon - of Simon and Garfunkel fame.

If you use a computer type into Google, “Slip Slidin’ Away song by Paul Simon - You Tube” - and listen - and listen - and listen - or hit the triangle above and listen and listen and listen.

I noticed a comment under one You Tube version of Paul Simon singing the song - sent in by someone - that went like this: "i lost my mom 3 months ago. and my dad 3 years ago. and im 19 and my brother is 16, we miss them so much. they used to dance together to this song. RIP love ya.”

What a beautiful life scene for two sons to see - their parents dancing together to this song, “Slip Slidin’ Away”.

Life is slip sliding away.

Stop at slip. Sometimes life slips away - as in an “Ooops!” - A sudden drop - a sudden surprise finding out we have a heart problem or there’s cancer or the marriage of a son or daughter is finished. I see slips as quicker and more sudden than slides - not necessarily - but that’s how I see them.

Sliding - seems to happen slower - as in a pencil rolling down a slanted wooden top.

Life is a slip sliding away.

So Paul Simon sings about, “I know a man…. I know a woman…. I know a father ….” and in each case the person mentioned is experiencing life slip sliding away.

Listen to some of the lyrics. I can’t sing - but I can read his lyrics:

          Slip slidin' away
          You know the nearer your destination
          The more you're slip slidin' away

          I know a man

          He came from my home town
          He wore his passion for his woman
          Like a thorny crown
          He said Dolores
          I live in fear
         My love for you's so overpowering
         I'm afraid that I will disappear

         Slip slidin' away

         Slip slidin' away
         You know the nearer your destination
         The more you're slip slidin' away

          I know a woman

          Became a wife
          These are the very words she uses
          To describe her life
          She said a good day
          Ain't got no rain
          She said a bad day's when I lie in bed
          And think of things that might have been

          Slip slidin' away

          Slip slidin' away
          You know the nearer your destination
          The more you're slip slidin' away


In today’s first reading from Romans Paul announces that we have a choice of living in fear or living by the Spirit.

Which is me?

Fear or Spirit? Fear or Freedom? Alive or dead?

I remember discovering that I was praying down deep a prayer without knowing it for I don’t know how long. I would be praying - but really praying this other prayer. It was from Luke: “Lord, teach me how to pray!” It slipped in without my knowing it. Then without knowing it, that prayer switched to, “Lord, teach me how to love.”

When does a person switch from just saying - just reciting - just repeating - the words of “The Our Father” - to coming into the presence of God as “Abba” or “Daddy.” Do they just slip slide into that?

When I read in today’s first reading the word “adoption” I thought of kids whom I met who are adopted. How long does it take that kid to say, “daddy” to their father? Does it just slide into their conversation - without their being aware of it? Did they hear other kids call their dad, “Daddy!” Does a father notice it - like in noticing the first word or first step they see a baby take?

I would assume that a woman would be very aware of the first time she slid into a pants suit - if she always wore a dress - till that moment. I would also assume that a person would be very aware when they slipped into their first tattoo - or high heels - or brand new car.

I would assume that much of life is slip sliding.

In today’s gospel - Luke 13: 10 to 17 - Jesus slips into the synagogue for the first time since Luke 6:6 when he cured the man with the paralyzed hand. I didn’t notice that he slipped out of the synagogue for over 6 chapters till I read that in a commentary this morning - in preparing this homily. I think that’s what triggered the words, “slip slidin away”.

I thought about this woman whose back had been bent over for 18 years. Did that happen gradually? I assume it did. And Jesus healed her and the leader of the synagogue complained that Jesus did this healing on a Sabbath. When did he become so harsh and cold and crippled himself? Was it for 18 years? Jesus healed this woman - but was the leader of the synagogue healed?

Do healings happen suddenly or slowly?

May we all be moving in the best direction slowly or suddenly - slip sliding into the Freedom of the Children of God - that Paul talks about in today’s first reading.


Someone handed me a copy of a Hospice Pamphlet entitled, "Gone From My Sight - The Dying Experience" by Barbara Karnes. The author, Barbara Karnes, says "Death is as unique as the individual who is experiencing it."

Reading the booklet triggered all kinds of memories and moments - especially being with people who were dying - and the people around them who were experiencing the life of a loved one - dare I say it - "slip slidin' away".

I kept wondering if I will be aware of all this when it's one to three months prior to my death - then one to two weeks - then one to two days, to hours prior to my death.

It hit me slowly as well as suddenly - the value of slipping into the synagogue to pray - to be with God Our Father - Abba - Daddy - and see Jesus coming up to us. "Lord, teach me how to die - but first, Lord, teach me how to live. My life is slip slidin' away.

Listen to that song. Get to know yourself. We’re all slip slidin’ away. May we all be slip slidin’ into better and better ways of seeing and doing  and living life.

October  24,  2011

Quote for Today

"Any religion ... is for ever in danger of petrifaction into mere ritual and habit, though ritual and habit be essential to religion."

T. S. Eliot [1888-1965], Selected Essays, 1927

Sunday, October 23, 2011



The title of my homily for this 30 Sunday in Ordinary Time A is just one word: “Treat.”

T R E A T [Spelled out] “Treat”.

You Wheel of Fortune pros will notice that the last 3 letters of that word are “E A T”.

I read today’s readings a few times and I said, “Come Holy Spirit!” a few times - and for some reason, the word, “treat” hit me.


I wondered why that word “treat” hit me - so I re-read today’s readings.

The first reading from the Book of Exodus challenges us with the Golden Rule to treat the stranger - the unknown other - with hospitality and respect - just as we would want to be treated - if we were a stranger or a new person in the area or on the job or in the school or in the parish.

The second reading from 1 Thessalonians has Paul saying that good things happened when we were with you. You treated us well and we treated you well - and we both grateful.

And today’s gospel from Matthew has the Pharisees not treating Jesus well. In today’s gospel, one of the them, a scholar of the law, tests Jesus - trying to trap him. And Jesus says that the whole of reality boils down to love - that we love God with our whole heart, soul, mind and we should love our neighbor as we love oneself.

Get that and you got it all.

All three readings stress the value of having a sense of deep respect of people for people and people with God.


We know that dog owners like to give their “woof woof” a treat. It’s part of the ritual. “Want a cookie!”

We know that human being like to treat themselves now and then to a new pocketbook or toy or ice cream as well as give another a treat.

“Have a cookie.” “Want a treat?”

About 25 Thursday evenings a year for the 8 ½ years before I came to Annapolis I began noticing a very interesting experience happening. Another priest and I worked on the road - mostly in Ohio. However, we also worked in South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, New York, and various other places. We were giving what is called, “A Parish Mission”.

On the last night of the parish mission there would be coffee, tea, soda and cookies - in a parish hall. It was part of the plan. We recommended it as a way to celebrate being with some people for 5 evenings. We had prayed and heard some preaching. We had celebrated our Christian faith and Catholic heritage together.

We’d arrived in the parish hall and there would be a line of people working their way towards trays of cookies - all kinds of wonderful cookies - on trays or dishes or platters.

At some point in doing this for 8 ½ years I discovered the following.

Each lady - it was always ladies - who made a tray or plateful of cookies - treats - would be standing there watching who took whose cookies. “Make it mine! Make it mine! Make it mine!”

I didn’t have diabetes at the time - thank God - so I would make my choices of 3 or 4 cookies - 3 or 4 treats. It was like election night. It was like a voting booth. There were winners and there were losers.

And I would feel guilt for bypassing someone’s cookies. I could imagine it was a recipe they got from their grandmother or from somewhere and it was always a winner - but not that night - if I didn’t chose someone’s cookie.

It was like a personality test. Some women would say, “Father take mine. You’ll love it.” Others would stand back and say nothing, but as someone took their cookie, out came a neat smile or a “Thank you!”

For some reason that was the main thing I remember from 8 ½ years of preaching parish missions all over the mid-west and elsewhere.

Have a cookie! Want a cookie. Have a treat.

I look back and hope that it was a treat for the people of that parish to have taken 5 nights - and for some 5 mornings as well - to treat the great issues of our faith - in their lives.

I look back and also realize that I also spent 7 years of my life in a retreat house in New Jersey preaching retreats - and 7 years in Pennsylvania in another retreat house preaching retreats.

That’s 22 years of my life dealing with treats!


Was the cookie moment, the cookie lineup, the cookie choice a metaphor for life?

Are we all standing there wanting to be taken - wanting to be chosen - wanting to be loved - wanting others to want what we can uniquely create?

Do we all want to be a treat?

Do we all want to be treated and retreated with respect?

Do we all want to be honored and celebrated - and eaten up?

Do we all want to be the bread and wine of life for others - Eucharist - that when others receive us - they receive Holy Communion - Christ - Christ’s spirit - Christ’s life - and they experience us as delicious?

Does anyone stand on line to receive me?

Isn’t that one of the great moments of life - when kids stand on line to go up to their parents at their 25th - but especially at their 50th Anniversary or 75th Birthday Party and say, “Thank you mom!” or “Thank you dad!” for being you. You were a treat and you treated us so well.

Do we all hate it when we are mistreated - rejected - never chosen?


Why are some people so wonderful? Why are some people a treat to be with? Why are some people as delicious as raison oatmeal cookies or chocolate chip cookies or peanut butter filled brownies?

My dad worked for Nabisco - and sorry to say - broken cookies were not given to the employees to take home to their starving children. Nope, as our dad told us, they were all collected - all those broken Oreo Cookies and fig Newtons, etc. and they thrown into big vats and used for fruit cakes - lots of fruit cakes. Yet at different times during the year my dad would come home with a great treat - a big white box of cookies. It had no writing on it. The box was about 18 inches by 12 inches - and was 2 layers high: fig Newtons, Oreos, Lorna Doone, chocolate chip cookies, etc. It was a great treat and we kids had our eye on that box for days - waiting for a treat!

Why are some people so mean, grumpy, grouchy and edgy at times? Why are some people like razor blade cookies. They cut us - by cutting us off in a conversation or in traffic. They slice us and dice us. They hurt us. They don’t treat us nice. Ugh. Why?

Were they hurt? Did they get lazy? Did they forget where they came from?

Yesterday morning at a baptism a guy says to me, “Thanks for the nice baptism. We were just down in Virginia at a baptism a few weeks back and the priest said, “If any kid comes in sanctuary, I’m going to kick him out.” I winced at that. As priest I hear the horror stories as well as the good stories. But why did that priest become like that - not treating people right. At baptisms I always choose the baptismal reading that is in the baptism book - about Jesus telling his disciples not to shush kids away, but let the kids come to him.” Were Jesus’ disciples being like that priest - if that was something that priest does on a regular basis?

Why do we treat people the way we treat people?

We’ve all heard the jokes or the complaints from husbands and wives: “He treats his car better than he treats me.” “She treats the dog better than she treats me.”

Why do we treat people the way we treat people?

Is it because of a recipe that we picked up from our parents - from others? Was it something that we came up with on our own.

I was standing in the back of a church in Erie, Pennsylvania. It was a Saturday night - 4:55 - and the Saturday night mass started at 5 PM. We were going to preach a Mission in that parish starting on Sunday night - and I was going to invite the folks to make the parish mission. A lady is standing there and says to me. See that young girl up there at the podium. She has a great voice. I’ve been trying to get her for a year now and I finally got her. She’s a senior in high school and will be going off to college next year. Hopefully, she’ll be a great addition to some Newman Club at some college and in years to come a great cantor in some parish. I don’t think the lady said, “She’s a treat!” but she was saying this young lady might be a treat to some parish in the future and she got her start here.

How did that lady get that big picture - that large outlook - that big way of seeing life and church and others?


I don’t know about you, but I hope to proclaim that Jesus treated everyone with great love and respect - and I hope to do likewise.

That’s my creed. We’re supposed to say some words about the Creed today - about some changes in its wording. I assume that will take less than a year to happen - but I think it takes effort and insight to get our hands on a good recipe for life.

Today I’m pushing: Be a treat.

Today I’m not saying all this to get cookies. I’m a diabetic and the good cookies have sugar.

Today I’m not saying this so you say to me, “You’re a treat!”

Nope. I’m saying all this so that all of us be a cookie - a delicious cookie - a treat - to each other - and the place to start is to treat all others with deep love and respect. As Roy Blount puts it bluntly, “Be Sweet.” [1]

Be sweet and you’ll be a treat.


Roy Blount Jr. Be Sweet: A Conditional Love Story, 1998
THE  I  AM, 
WHO  I  AM, 

October  23,  2011

Quote for Today

"All paths lead to the same goal: to convey to others what we are. And we must pass through solitude and difficulty, isolation and silence, in order to reach forth to the enchanted place where we can dance our clumsy dance and sing our sorrowful song - but in this dance or in this song there are fulfilled the most ancient rites of our science in the awareness of being human and of believing in a common destiny."

Pablo Neruda [1904-1973], Toward the Splendid City, upon receiving the Nobel Prize [1971]


Deep within each person is a place called, "The Garden,"  or "The Inner Room," or "The Real Me That is Me."   Check out Genesis 2: 8 to 3: 24 and Matthew 6:6 and  Matthew 12: 43-45 and Matthew 23:25-28.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Quote for Today   October  22,  2011

"In nature there are few sharp lines."

A.R. Ammons [1926-2001] in Corson's Inlet  [1972],  line 31

Friday, October 21, 2011


Quote for Today  October 21,  2011

"You grow up the day you have the first real laugh - at yourself."

Ethel  Barrymore [1879-1959]